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Beginning with the earliest edition of the Highland Park News in 1874, several newspapers have been published for Highland Park. Click on a date range to search the index for local news articles and obituaries from these newspapers. Full text available on microfilm at the library. Full text of newspaper articles from 1874 - 1922 are also available online in our Newspaper Collection. Complete this form to request full text of an obituary if you’re unable to visit the library. Contact the Reference Department at or 874.831.7031 for more information.
Abbreviations used:
HPH .......Highland Park Herald
HPN........Highland Park News
HPNL....Highland Park Newsletter
HPP........Highland Park Press
NSNL....North Shore Newsletter
SRN........Sheridan Road Newsletter
January 1, 1921 - December 31 1930
Chemical company builds in Waukegan. June 22, 1922.p. 10 HPP.
1921 Woman killed at train crossing. Oct. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Hunter shot at Fox Lake Saturday. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Speeders flee after killing pedestrian. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Car explodes as woman burns to death. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 12. HPP.
Killed by Limited train at the Fort. (Robt. Lutz) Dec. 22,, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
1922 Identify body found in lake. (Marie Matey) Mar. 16, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Soldier (Sgt. John Lindsay) killed by passenger train. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 1.HPP.
Youth (Earl Snyder) injured in auto crash dies. May 11, 1922. p. 11. HPP.
Northwestern flyer hits truck (Clavey Nursery Co.) June 8, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Inquest in Clavey accident. June 15, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park man, Burrell P. Treat, found dead in lake. June 29,1922. p12 HPP
Boy, Herbert Block near death in auto-bike crash. Sept. 28, 1922. p. 1. HPP
1923 High school student killed on rail (Walter Simmonds) Feb. 1., 1923 p1 HPP
Many accidents in this county. July 26, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
One auto victim (Raymond Prendergast). Two men drowned. Aug. 2, 1923. p1
Boy (Thomas Gill) injured in auto accident. Fatalities in county. Sept. 20, 1923 p. 1, HPP
Stray bullet hits woman (Mrs. S. K. Darrow) during raid. Nov. 16, 1923. p1 HPP
Train hits auto, four are injured. Dec. 6. 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Girl (Lillian Hancock) hit by auto in Deerfield dies. Aug. 14, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Live wire fatal to track walker Joe Maurantino. Aug. 21, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Child (John Erickson) struck by auto killed. Sept. 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Find Chicago man , Marcel Gameley, drowned in lake. Sept. 25, 1924. p. 1.HPP
Man hurt, found at Vine Ave. Dec. 25, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1925 Woman scalped here (Caroline Olson) faces baldness. Mar. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Driver killed when auto turns turtle (James Malget) Aug. 20, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hotel employee drowned in lake (Mateo Locatelli) Aug. 20, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Heavy toll taken by rail crossing. Aug. 20, 1925. p. 3. HPP
1926 Auto-train crash causes two deaths. Apr. 1, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Three meet deaths in auto accidents. Sept. 9, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Woman and child killed by train. Oct. 14, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Two men killed in crossing crash. Oct. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1927 Arrow ruins sight of Lake Bluff boy. Mar. 3, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Child, Dorothy Davidson, victim in auto accident. Aug. 11, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Third son of family, Vernon Denman, victim of tragedy. Sept. 1, 1927. p10 HPP
Four persons die in rail accidents in Lake County on Monday. Sept. 22, 1927 p.4. North Shore Section. HPP.
Eleven killed on grade crossings in 9 months. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Section.HPP
Auto casualties percentage high. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 2. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Many accidents on railroad crossings. (tally) Dec. 1, 1927. p1 N. Shore Sec.HPP
1928 Local resident killed by carbon monoxide. June 15, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Young boy (Robert Reynolds) killed by truck. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Seven injured in auto accidents in past week. July 26, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Gas asphyxiation kills small boy (Robert Wylie) Mar. 28, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Two killed in county in automobile crashes (Bus, Cimbalo) June 27,1929 p.3. HPP.
Boy (Robt. Kennedy) drowned from boat in Waukegan harbor. July 11, 1929 p. 49. HPP.
H.P. woman killed in airplane crash (Mildred Bird) (photo) Sept.19,1929 p1HPP
1930 Fatal drowinings in county in year. Feb. 20, 1930. p. 28. HPP.
Highland Park by and girl victims of auto accident. June 27, 1930 p. 1. HPN.
Six drownings in Lake County over the weekend. July 24, 1930. p. 34. HPP.
See also: Aviation.
Moffett predicts future of aeronatuics: Mail to cross oceans in three days. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 11. HPP.
Giant dirigible at state fair. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 3. pt. 2. HPP.
Herd of deer in Illinois county. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 11. HPP.
County to employ veterinary expert. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
Timber wolves in Illinois county. Nov. 3, 1923. p. 15. HPP.
Many fur-bearing animals in state. Feb. 21, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Drive to eradicate predatory animals. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 9. HPP.
Splendid tribute paid to horses. Aug. 12, 1926. p. 7. pt. 3. HPP.
Game restoration program in state. Mar. 17, 1927. p. 6. pt. 3. HPP.
Wolves are sought by county farmers. Jan. 3, 1929 p. 3. HPP.
Dog Refuge and 90 inmates burned. (Orphans of the Storm) Feb. 13, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Reward is offered in dog refuge fire. Feb. 20, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Forbid trapping of muskrats in Highland Park. Dec. 19, 1930. p. 22. HPN.
Skulls and relics found in mounds. May 8, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
State to purchase mounds at Cahokia. June 5, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Bentley, Harry H., Ravinia architect wins first prize in competition. July 12, 1929 p. 5. HPN.
Local architect (Bentley) is first prize winner. July 18, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Well-known artist/architect dies. [Lawrence Buck] Aug. 22, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Traces history of Arden Shore Camp. Mar. 30, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Arden Shore as a constructive agent. May 11, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Aid for little bread winners. May 11, 1922.p. 9. HPP.
Summer season at Arden Shore. June 26, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
First Arden Shore quota now at camp. July 2, 1925. p. 1. Pt. 2. HPP.
Ravinia man (Peyraud) to paint in Europe. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 3. HPP
Rare art exhibit--work of Frank Peyraud. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Purchase paintings for public library. (F. Peyraud and F. Dudley, artists) July 10, 1924. p. 9.
North Shore Art League annual exhibit. Apr. 22, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
North Shore Art League annual exhibit. Apr. 28, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Summer homes of Ravinia artists. May 29, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
North Shore man, Edwin Baird, author of novel. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Bennett, Rowena B. Feb.. 13, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
1921 Suburban motorists must be identified. Jan. 6, 1921, p. 1. HPP
Auto license blanks ready for 1921. Jan. 20, 1921, p. 5. HPP
New tags for local drivers' convenience. Feb. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP
New law provides for road sleuth. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Light tail lights and save five dollars. July 7, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
New law provides for road sleuth. Aug. 11, 1921. p.9. HPP.
4,599 automobiles in Lake County. Sept. 1, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
State auto officer warns violators. Sept.15, 1921. p. 5. HPP.
Thieves take car smashed in ditch. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
1922 100,000 more cars licensed in 1921. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Auto gases new menace to health. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
127,249 Ford cars sold during April. June 1, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Emmerson (Sec. of State, Ill.) to aid law enforcement. Instructs inspectors to compel obedience to safety-first rules for autos. July 6m 1922, p.11, HPP.
5,700 Fords daily during June. Aug. 17, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
1923 Auto death rate is growing less. July 19, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Million autos in state soon, belief. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Auto licenses (in Highland Park) in year total 1200. Dec. 27, 1923, p. 6. HPP.
1924 Claims motorists pay 11 kinds of taxes. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 11. HPP.
Motor fatalities reduced this year. Sept. 4, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Right of way law for pedestrians. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Tow rope should be in every car. Nov. 27, 1924. p. 17. HPP.
Motor route to Florida given. Dec. 4, 1924. p. 3. sec. 2. HPP.
1925 Trucks now used in place of ox teams. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Hits compulsory auto insurance, widely condemned. Mar. 19, 1925. p.5 HPP
Examination of motorists asked. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 3. pt. 2. HPP
Gas tax would not benefit cities. Apr. 16, 1925. p. 1. pt.2. HPP.
Bills affecting auto owners many. Apr. 23, 1925. p. 3. pt.. 2. HPP
Driver's license bill is discussed. June 25, 1925. pt2. p. 4. HPP.
Autos must stop at state roads; new law. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2.
Mental test not always reliable as to driving ability. Oct. 22, 1925. p5 pt. 2. HPP
Auto owners bear burdensome taxes. Nov. 19, 1925. p.6. pt. 2. HPP
1926 Lake County auto license fees big. Feb. 25, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Nine million cars tour this season. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 11. pt. 2. HPP.
1927 English car with radio set therein. May 12, 1927. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Auto casualties percentage high. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 2. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 40 cars for every mile of hard road. Mar. 1, 1928. p. 9. HPP.
Monthly gasoline average: 38 gallons. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 24 sec. 2. HPP.
ACI (Automobile Club of Ill.) endorses driver's license. Dec. 27, 1928. p6 HPP
1929 Here's one to Wisconsin's capitol (tour plan) July 5, 1929. p. 16. HPN.
Average mileage in a year of each auto. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 44. HPP.
More cars in Illinois than U.S. had in 1913: 1,500,000. May 16, 1929. p25 HPP
Measure to license auto drivers killed. May 23, 1929. p. 39. HPP.
Speed limit on state roads now: 45 miles. July 4, 1929. p.6. HPP.
Motorists burning up the roads under new law. July 18, 1929. p. 12. HPP.
1930 Report shows total of autos licensed. 1,600,000 in Illinois. Jan. 16, 1930 p23. HPP.
Sales of new autos in Illinois in November, Lake Cty. total: 96. Dec. 18, 1930. p. 38. HPP.
Bill to regulate flying in state. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 10. HPP
Air transports carry regiments. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 10. HPP
Huge beacon for airmail flyers erected in Maywood. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Air ambulances life-saving aid. Dec. 18, 1924. p. 2. sec. 2. HPP.
Glencoe now has an aircraft ordinance. Nov. 19, 1925. p.1. pt. 2. HPP
New airmail routes over U.S. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 8. pt. 2. HPP.
Dedicate Sky Harbor Field. July 5, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Pilot battles storm but lands plane. July 5, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
North Shore airport is being developed. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Waukegan may get municipal airport. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 40. HPP.
Air mail new social medium. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 40. HPP.
North Shore line adds air facility. May 16, 1929. p. 18. photo p. 32. HPP.
Increase airport at Glenview. June 20, 1929.p. 9. HPP.
Sky Harbor Airport open this weekend. June 27, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Many local people ride in airplane. June 27, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Tribune flyer is well-known here. (Robt. Wood) July 4, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Mail pilot and plane battle storm. July 4, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Chicago airport traffic the largest. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
New aviation station underway at Great Lakes. May 29, 1930. p. 23. HPP.
Flying circus to be at Sky Harbor Aug. 3. Aug. 1, 1930. p. 5. (photo p.5) HPN.
Famous flyers to attend air races. Aug. 21, 1930. p. 13. HPP.
Fritz Bahr author of book on flowers. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 7. HPP
Praises new book by local florist. Feb. 14, 1924. p. 2. HPP.
Fritz Bahr wins national honors. Nov. 16, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Formal opening of Bahrs' Flower Shop. Oct. 31, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Lake County man wrote famous song: "The Sweet Bye and Bye." Jan. 26, 1922. p. 9. HPP
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Brand celebrate 50th anniversary. Dec.20,1928. p5 HPN
G.L. Brands will celebrate Golden Wedding Wed. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
BRAND, SALOME (Old settler)
Lake County's oldest resident passes away (photo) Jan. 13, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Life history of Salome Brand. July 21, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Section HPP.
Those Sheridan bridges. (ed.) Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Letter discusses Sheridan bridges. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Governor Small promises to build bridges. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
State aid promised to build two bridges. Dec. 23, 1927. p. 5. HPN
Start work May 9 on Sheridan Rd. Bridges. Apr. 6, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
State lets contract for second bridge. Aug. 24, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Two fine bridges on Sheridan Rd. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Cover photo new N. Sheridan Rd. bridge. Story p. 1. Oct. 10, 1929. HPP.
Bryan arrested twice for speeding. Aug. 4, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
1921 Another business man disappears. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Protective League formed by merchants. Feb. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
$140,000 estimated cost of proposed new theatre. May 5, 1921. p.1. HPP
New foundry company erecting in Waukegan. June 2, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
New foundry is nearing completion. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Business men to meet next week. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Wednesday closing may be abandoned. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 12. HPP.
Boom in building construction seen. Dec. 1, 1921. p. 1. HPP
1922 $100,000 estimated damages done by fire (Garnett store & YWCA) Feb. 9,1922, p. 1. HPP.
Business outlook hopeful: Hastings. Mar. 2, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Business outlook for coming year. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Koon to erect garage building. Mar. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Pfanstiehl starts radio service. Mar. 23, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Chemical company (Abbot Labs) builds in Waukegan. June 22,1922. p10HPP
Many local firms change locations. July 20, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
New product now manufactured here. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Famous dentifrice to be made here. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Consolidation of two banks: H.P. Savings & H.P. State Bank. Mar. 8, 1923. p1 HPP
New record made in building: $260,000,000 is for March. Mar. 29, 1923. p1 HPP
Larson to remove to larger quarters. Sept. 20. 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Chimes clock for State Bank corner. Nov. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Yellow Cab Co. in new headquarters. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Gsell buys Kopp corner property. Apr. 17, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Record month in building permits. Oct. 9, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
State bank is now largest in the county. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1925 $85,000 business block to be built on W. Central Ave. Mar. 19, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Novel toys made by local factory: Huber-Sweet. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 9. HPP.
Filling station on Green Bay Road (Pennsylvania Oil) May 11, 1925. pt.2 p.7.
$400,000 building gains in 2 months; records broken monthly. July 9, 1925 p1.
Beautiful new Alcyon Theatre to open this evening. (photo) Sept. 24, 1925. p. 1.
Business changes and new buildings. Nov. 19. 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Holiday business breaking records. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Building activity breaks all records. Dec. 31, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1926 Highland Park Ice Co. has fine new plant. July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Building records in last 2 months. Sept. 16, 1926. p. 3. HPP.
1926 banner year in building here. Dec.30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1927 Building record is again broken her. Mar. 17, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Building records show slight drop. May 5, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Laegeler building nears completion. Drawing. Aug. 18, 1927. p1 Deerfield Sec.
Laegeler Pharmacy to open this week. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Plan extension of business district in several streets. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Tilmon's Service Station (Photo) Nov.24, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 Local banks have prosperous year. Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Plan large hotel on Sheridan Road. May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Zone board turns down hotel plan. May 31, 1928. p. 1.
Moraine 6 story bldg. meets much objection. July 27, 1928. p.5. HPN.
New classified ads to be reduced to 50 cents. July 27, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Refuse permit for Moraine six stories. Aug. 3, 1928. p.5. HPN.
Moraine Hotel's new annex begins. (sketch) Oct. 25, 1928. p. 1. HPP
1929 Commerce Chamber honors policeman (Loesch) Feb. 14, 1929 p.1. HPP.
New North Annex to Moraine Hotel. June 20, 1929. HPP cover photo.
North Annex to Moraine is open. June 20, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Fine new building (Sher Park) to open Saturday. Nov. 14, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
1930 Suburban building showing decrease. Feb. 13, 1930. p. 26. HPP.
New home of Glencoe Citizens State Bank. Mar. 20, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
Moraine Hotel cover photo, story on p. 1. May 22, 1930. HPP.
Bowman Dairy Building at Green Bay and Vine. Cover photo. story on p. 2. June 5, 1930. HPP.
Proposed hotel sketch p. 1. story p. 5. June 13, 1930. HPN.
New building for N. Shore Trust, cover photo, story on p. 1. June 19, 1930. HPP
McCrystle Hotel case to circuit court. July 10, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Great boy's camp located near here: Camp Roosevelt. July 2, 1925. p. 1: HPP.
Local boys are at Camp Roosevelt. To have demonstration. July 9, 1925.p1HPP
Boy Scout camp for Lake County. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 6. pt. 3. HPP
Camp Roosevelt at Fort Sheridan. May 20, 1926. p.1, p5. 2. HPP.
Comic strip: Home Sweet Home by Jack Wilson starts: May 18, 1922. p. 5.
Many local men listed in Who's Who Sept. 12, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Fine type of monumental cemetery entrance (North Shore Cemetery) (photos) Feb. 10, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Michigan paper praises John Western and North Shore Cemetery. Dec. 14, 1922. p. 15. HPP
Cardinal buys land for new cemetery (Libertyville). July 23, 1925. p. 2. HPP.
Notable progress on North Shore cemetery. June 17, 1926. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
Notable beauty of North Shore cemetery. July 15, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Full page ad/photo: Record of Achievement: North Shore Cemetery. Dec. 16, 1926. p. 10. HPP.
Cardinal dedicates Ascension Cemetery. June 7, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield/North Shore Section. HPP
Burial Saturday is 700th in N. Shore Cemetery. Apr. 28, 1929. p. 43. HPP.
John Western reports high spots of the year at N. Shore Cemetery. Jan. 9, 1930. p. 22. HPP.
Movie censorship ordinance offered. Feb. 10, 1927. p.1. HPP.
Leave movies along, says William C. DeMille. M ar. 31, 1927, p. 9. pt. 2. HPP.
1921 More men than women in U.S. July 7, 1921. p. 10.
June still "Bride" month. 305 marriages during last month. July 7, 1921. p9 HPP
County lost thirty farms in 10 years. July 28, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
Illinois third in riches in U.S. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Bureau of Census gives statistics. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 4. HPP
1922 Growth of Great Lakes region seen. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 13. HPP.
City's population growing rapidly. Aug. 3, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Number of pupils in high schools. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 3. HPP
Rural population less than in 1893. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Many negroes are moving northward. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 10. HPP
Death rate low here; births many. Dec. 27, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Illinois wealth over $22 billion. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Average wealth of U.S. citizens exceeds $2000. May 8, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Plan farm census of U. S. Nov. 27, 1924. p. 15. HPP.
1925 Death rate here is low in 1924. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 9. HPP.
Birth record here during past year. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 9.
Births nearly two times deaths in 1924. Feb. 26, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Lake County second in marriages recorded, 13th in divorce. Nov. 19, 1925. p8
1926 New figures show growth of suburbs. July 15, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
1927 Births outnumber deaths in Lake County. Mar. 31, 1927. p. 2. pt. 3, HPP.
Marriages fewer, divorce growing. June 16, 1927. p. 6. Deerfield sec. HPP.
Estimate city population 14,000. June 9, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Marriage and divorce figures for Illinois. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 4. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 Estimate Highland Park population at about 14,000. July 12, 1928 p. 1. HPP.
1929 County population now set at 117,000. Jan. 3, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
North Shore towns show rapid growth. July 11, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
School census of county shows loss. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 26. HPP.
County population estimate issued. Nov. 28, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
1930 County population assures new office. May 29, 1930. p. 23. HPP.
70,000th marriage license is issued in Waukegan. July 6, 1930. p. 28. HPP.
Census entitles Lake Cty. to more congressmen. Sept. 5, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Chicago Worlds Fair project progresses. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 21. HPP.
Children's home at Lake Bluff planned. June 23, 1921. p. 11. HPP.
6th Annual Better Babies Conference. June 30, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Boys find infant in abandoned suitcase. Oct. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Year old babies' death rate grows. June 12, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Holds school age ends at 16 years. July 3, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Baby exhibit at state fair. 1650 sign up. Sept. 18, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Baby clinic to be at hospital. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Infant welfare is subject. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 27. HPP.
Report on Infant Welfare work here. Feb. 2, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Infant Welfare campaign begins. Mar. 27, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Infant Welfare drive is on. Mar. 28, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Infant Welfare Society report given to public. May 2, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Work of Lake County Pre-school clinics beneficial. Sept. 11, 1930. p.18. HPP.
Presbyterian celebrates (50th) birthday. May 26, 1921. p. 1. HPP
50th anniversary begins tonight. June 2, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Rev. Leonard Wolcott to be ordained. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Reception Monday for Wolcotts (Episcopal Church) Mar. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
New Presbyterian Church at Deerfield. Aug. 17, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Presbyterian Church (Highland Park) celebrates anniversary. (Photo) Nov. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP
New Presbyterian church, Deerfield (Photo) Nov. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Deerfield church corner stone laid. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Plan to dedicate church debt-free. Deerfield Presbyterian. Sept .13, 1923 p1 HPP
Trinity rectory purchase completed. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Semi-centennial of Trinity Church. May 1, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Dr. Peter Wolcott resigns as Trinity rector. Nov. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
50th anniversary at Deerfield St. Evangelical Church. Nov. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Breaking ground for new Bethany Evangelical Church. (photo) Dec. 10, 1925. p. 3. pt. 2. HPP.
Rev. George C. Keller to be new rector (Trinity) Jan. 28, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Bequest to local church (Immaculate Conception) reported. Jan. 28, 1926. p. 1.
Rev. George S. Keller begins rectorship at Trinity Church. Apr. 15, 1926 p. 1. photo HPP.
New St. James Church, Highwood. (photo) Apr. 22, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Rushing work at St. Mary's of the Lake. May 6, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Preparations for Eucharistic Meet. May 27, 1926. p. 7. HPP.
Lake County ready for biggest day (Eucharistic Congress) June 17, 1926. p.6.
To build Serbian abbey in County. July 22, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Religious center to cost $260,000 (N. Shore Congregation Israel) Dec. 9, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Lay cornerstone of Bethany Evangelical Church. May 26, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Church survey in Ravinia/Braeside. Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Evangelical Church history is given . Feb. 2, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
An anniversary sermon, 1918-1928. Mar. 29, 1928. p.2. Deerfield Sec. HPP. (Highland Park Presbyterian Church)
Dedicate Bethany Evangelical Church. Apr. 11, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
M.E. Church marks 50th anniversary. Jan. 23, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Church has golden jubilee (H.P. Methodist) Jan. 24, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Historical sketch of Highland Park Methodist Church. Feb. 6, 1930. p. 11. HPP.
Americanization of North Shore Line. May 29, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Notable history of famous pioneer. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 5. sec. 2.
Northwestern flyer hits truck. June 8, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Inquest in Clavey fatal accident. June 15, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1921 Kiwanis: Arouse interest in Kiwanis Club here. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Elks receive letter of appreciation. Feb. 10, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Northmoor Club is nearing completion. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Briergate Club to open Sunday. May 12, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Arden Shore makes plea. July 28, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
Organize guild to promote the drama. Oct. 13, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Salvation Army to start drive. Oct. 24.Oct. 13, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Only $46. raised in local Salvation Army drive. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 10. HPP.
Celebrate anniversary of Royal Arcanum. Dec. 1, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
$10,000,000 aid for veterans (Red Cross) Oct. 6, 1921, p.4. HPP
Red Cross gives annual report. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 5. HPP
Red Cross gives $310,000 for cleanup drive. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 5. HPP
YWCA burns 3-2-22. p. 1. HPP.
1922 Exmoor ranks with pioneer clubs (Photo) Mar. 2, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Moosehart grads get jobs easily. Mar. 2, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Salvation Army out to stop imitation. July 20, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
1923 Legion auxiliary is organized here. May 3, 1923. p. 3. HPP
Many are joining Minute Men here. July 12, 1923. p. 12. HPP
Rail Men's Home to be enlarged. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Plan campaign to raise YW budget. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Raise full amount in YWCA drive. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Dedicate Woman's Club House. Feb. 21, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
The Woman's Club (ed) Apr. 10, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Masonic Temple plans displayed. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Photo: Masonic Temple building. Apr. 31, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Finish Masonic Temple in 1924. June 12, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1925 New Masonic Temple dedicated. Apr. 2, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
DAR presents new flagstaff to city July 4. July 2, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
YWCA property sold for $75,000. July 30, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1927 New club house (Sunset Valley) formally opened. Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
1928 Local Rotary Club is given charter. Feb. 2, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Community Shop to go out of existence. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Scoutmaster H. R. Smith and two sons awarded Eagle Scout badge. (Photo) July 11, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
New Exmoor (cover photo) Story: Aug. 1, 1929. p. 20. HPP.
1930 Deerfield Lions Club is organized. Jan. 9, 1930. p. 31. HPP.
Notable history of Flower Guild. July 17, 1930. p. 17. HPP.
Americanization at Community Center. Feb. 3, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Community Organizations buy building. May 19, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
To issue bonds for community building. May 26, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Over $4000 raised in Community Drive. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Criticisms are false, declares secretary. Dec. 1, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Community Shop to help library. Feb. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
New secretary of Community Center. E. T. Walkup. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Activities begin at Community Center. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Community shop (Photo) Dec. 14, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Community Shop to go out of existence. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Coolidge is man of American type. Oct. 5, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Coolidge attitude towards business. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 6. HPP>
Luxuries cost much more than schools. Mar. 17, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Fruit cheap; can plenty this year. Aug. 31, 1922. p. 9. HPP
Raise milk price, now 14 cts. a quart. July 5, 1923, p. 6. HPP
New fish license for all anglers is 50 cts. yearly. July 5, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Food costs rise during November. Jan. 18, 1925. p.11. HPP.
1921 Two more robberies in past week. Feb. 3, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Protective League formed by merchants. Feb. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
An epidemic of crime (ed.) Feb. 17, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Rasmussen robbery partly solved. Feb. 24, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Robbers get large swag at two homes. Mar. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Rafferty recovering from bullet wound. Apr. 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Burglars ransack W. H. Clifton home. Apr. 28, 1921. p.8. HPP
Mafia threats made Grana flee for life. May 19, 1921. p. 10. HPP.
Body found Monday near Libertyville. July 21, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
Farmers battled with shotguns. July 21, 1921. p.8. HPP.
Inquest for murdered man, Big Steve Winewski. July 28, 1921. p7 HPP
Wreck Col. Smith's home in Waukegan. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Safe blowers are captured by force. Sept. 8, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Prisoners dig way out of jail. Sept. 15. 1921. p. 1. HPP.
$100,000 worth of diamonds taken. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Taxi driver shot. Police baffled. Nov. 10, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Thieves take car smashed in ditch. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Speeders flee after killing pedestrian. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Capture deserter who broke jail. Mar. 16, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
1922 Several holdups during last week. Feb. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Glencoe negro shot at dance pavilion. Sept. 7, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Bandits hold up three in one night. Mar. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Find infant's body in lonely ravine. May 17, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Mystery surrounds death of infant. May 24, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Tells of menace of gang rule in city. Nov. 27, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
1925 Train robber kills messenger last night Jan. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Bandits in raid on Moraine Hotel. Jan. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Four held here in train murder case. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Murders in U. S. now vying with wars. Oct. 8, 1925. p3 pt. 2. HPP.
1926 Kills contractor (Mezzini) in row over job. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1927 Lain (I.G.) is given jail sentence and fine for vote fraud. May 5, 1927. p.1. HPP.
Maid (Wilma Miller) murdered in Lake Forest home. May 12, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2
Murder cases for October Grand Jury. (13) Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec.
1928 Compares Lake County and Cook in crime. Jan. 26, 1928. p. 2. HPP
Probe robbery of Alcyon Theatre. Jan. 6, 1928.p. 5. HPN.
Cost of crime in Lives and dollars. Feb. 23, 1928. p. 2. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Five men are held for murder of Beck. July 19, 1928. p. 1. sec. 3. HPP
Sentenced to die: three face chair in Beck case. Nov, 8, 1928. p. 7. Sec. 2.HPP
Hearing on Potz parole. Dec. 13. Dec. 6, 1928. p. 1. HPP
1929 Alcyon Theatre robbed Tuesday. Jan. 3, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Policeman Loesch shot; kills bandit. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Store bandits are held to grand jury. Jan. 24, 1929, p. 1. HPP.
Airplane service assured sheriff. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 4. sec. 2. HPP.
Rob Alcyon Theatre New Years Day. Jan. 4, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Criminal docket in county court large. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 43. HPP.
Hold Highwood man in death of youth. July 4, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Two murder cases before grand jury. N. Chicago & H.P. men defendants. Oct. 10, 1929. p. 19. HPP.
Find Sullivan guilty of murder. Nov. 14, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
1930 Highwood State Bank robbed Dec. 31, Jan. 3, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Deputy Sheriff Klarkowski accused of murder. Jan. 16, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Chase gang killer through the county. Apr. 17, 1930. p. 27. HPP.
Bandit is routed in attempt to rob Highwood Bank. June 20, 1930. p. 5. HPN
Says Lake County crime problem is mostly due to Chicago proximity. Aug. 7, 1930. p. 24. HPP.
Racketeers burn milk truck here. Aug. 28, 1930. p. 15. HPP.
Three murder cases before grand jury. Oct. 2, 1930. p. 13. HPP.
Office P. Loeosch balks robbers in attempt on cafe. Oct. 24, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
1921 Organize new golf club at Deerfield. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
1922 Supervisor's annual report. July 6, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
New Presbyterian Church at Deerfield. Aug. 17, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
New Presbyterian Church Deerfield (Photo) Nov. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Deerfield church cornerstone laid. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 1 HPP
1923 Pettis is elected president of Deerfield. Apr. 19, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Deerfield road is done. Open July 19. June 21, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Celebrate opening of Deerfield road Wednesday. July 12, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Deerfield plans big sewer plant. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Recommendation, estimate and ordinance recommendation for local improvements. Special Section. Mar. 27, 1924. HPP.
1925 Special section: Deerfield Our Neighbor to the West. June, 1925. HPP.
Deerfield Grammar School PTA (Photo of Deerfield School) Sept. 24, 1925.p.3.
Deerfield: model suburb. (ed) Oct. 8, 1925. p. 2. HPP.
Half-million, price of Deerfield tract (F. McGuire property) Oct. 22, 1925. p5 HPP
Deerfield school damaged by fire. Dec. 31, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1926 Deerfield: first class graduated way back in 1885. June 10, 1926. p4 pt2 HPP
Public library is plan at Deerfield. Oct. 28, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield Church historical sermon. Dec. 2, 1926. p. 4. pt. 3. HPP.
1927 History of P.T.A. in Deerfield given. Apr. 7, 1927. p. 1. pt. 3, HPP.
Post Office new quarters decided. May 12, 1927. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Deerfield Highway squabble settled. June 16, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield sec. HPP
History of Deerfield to be compiled. July 14, 1927. p1 Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Muhlke family in Deerfield history. Aug. 11, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Memories of early days are related. Aug. 18, 1927 p.1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
History of Deerfield nearing completion. Aug. 25, 1927. p.1.Deerfield Sec. HPP
Fritschs Deerfield residents since 1842. Sept. 1, 1927. p.1. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Mrs. Laing's parents in early history. Sept . 8, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Gastfield family among first settlers. Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Samuel Ott among first settlers here. Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Mathas Hermann. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
McCraren family among old settlers. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Bleimehl family dates back to 1647. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Pettis family were old settlers here. Oct. 0, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.HPP.
Lange and Frantz family histories. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Oldest Deerfield citizen: Mrs. Redfern. Nov. 3, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.HPP
Osterman family in early history. Nov. 10, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
James O'Connor came to America in 1842. Nov. 17, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
Wilmot school bears pioneer family name. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
Cadwell family in Deerfield in 1835. Dec. 1, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Gutzer family in Deerfield history. Dec. 8, 1927. p. 8 .Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Early history of Vetter family. Dec. 15, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Historical sketch of Huhn family. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1 Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Knaak family one of early families. Dec. 29, 1927. p. 3. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 Duffy family were pioneer settlers. Jan. 5, 1928. p.1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Parsons family recorded in history. Jan. 12, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Philip Vedders also early settlers. Jan. 12, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Kennicott family in early history. Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Judge Thacker writes of Dr. John Kennicott. Jan. 16, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
Hoyts among early New England group. Feb. 2, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Interesting history of Carolan family. Feb. 9, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Michael Meehan was first white settler. Feb. 9, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Mooney family in early history. Feb. 23, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Hendee family come to Deerfield in 1835. Mar. 1, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.HPP
Responsible for name of Deerfield: John Millen. Mar. 8, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Incorporate village of Deerfield, 1903. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP
1929 Tells of growth of Deerfield school. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP
New village board at Deerfield meets. May 9, 1929. p. 33. HPP.
Ask for chaperones at Deerfield Library. May 9, 1929. p. 53. HPP.
More information on alleged forged bonds in Deerfield. May 9, 1929. p. 56. HPP
Drawing of Deerfield new bank on cover. Story on p. 1. Sept. 5, 1929. HPP.
The Des Plaines, a history by Everett Millard. June 30, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield sec. HPP.
DURBAHN, WALTER E. (Vocational Ed. instructor)
House at 120 Clifton Dr. built by Durbahn students. Apr. 24, 1930. Photo on cover. Story on page 1. Apr.24, 1930. HPP.
Boy-built house to be sold. May 9, 1930. p. 11. HPN.
Student-built house sold to M. M. Austin. Oct. 16, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
October building values: $120,000; expect big year's total. Nov. 8,1923 p. 1. HPP
Bright outlook in business seen. Nov. 16, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Improvements here exceed $2,500,000. Dec. 6, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Unemployment is increasing, report. July 24, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Employment grows in Illinois towns. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Prices dropping; wages increasing. May 11, 1926. p. HPP.
Buy now to relieve unemployment. Nov. 20, 1930. (cover) ed. HPP.
Urges purchase of Illinois products. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 15. HPP.
Need more jobs as Christmas is nearing. Dec. 4, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Suburban building shows falling off. Dec. 11, 1930. p. 38. HPP.
State chairman of living costs gives report at meeting. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 5.HPN
The return to normalcy. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 8. HPP
An epidemic of crime. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Jew baiting. Feb. 3, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Pave Deerfield highway. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Is Great Lakes doomed? Aug. 31, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Save the training center (Great Lakes) Oct. 12, 1922. p.6. HPP.
Pave Deerfield Highway. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Too many laws. June 7, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
The future of radio. June 7, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
Build new county home. Oct. 2, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
The Public Library. Sept. 10, 1925, p. 4. HPP.
Buy now to relieve unemployment. cover. Nov. 20, 1930. HPP.
North Shore school method famous. Winnetka system lauded. Sept. 30, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Inqualities in education shown. Dec. 9, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Master of Egandale observes birthday. Apr. 7, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Reprint of excerpts from Egan papers. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 15. HPP.
Second excerpt from Egan papers. May 1, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
Perennial plants of the North Shore. May 15, 1930. p. 32. HPP.
Says cardinal flower of swamp takes kindly to cultivation. May 29,1930. p11.
Another extract from Egan papers. July 24, 1930. p. 25. HPP.
Another extract from Egan papers. July 31, 1930. p. 22. HPP.
Autumn wildflowers in wild garden. Oct. 16, 1930. p. 41. HPP.
Announce candidates for town election. Feb. 24, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Announce candidates for spring election. Mar. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
William J. Obee is elected supervisor (all returns included) Apr. 7, 1921 p1 HPP
Large vote cast in city primary. Mar. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Regular citizens ticket is elected. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
City now has five voting precincts. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Primary election held April 8. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Township elections held next Tues. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 1.HPP.
Primary results in town/county. Apr. 10, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Republican victory sweeps the county. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
14 entered in Primary race (listed) Mar. 11, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
File vote fraud charges in court. Jan. 6, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Election results. Apr. 21, 1927, p. 1. HPP.
Lain is given sentence and fine (vote fraud) May 5, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School auditorium (drawing) Aug. 4, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Fund to complete auditorium asked. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School needs more room. June 14, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Graduates of 1929 (Photo) June 13, 1929. p. 38. HPP.
Hundreds attend mass meeting at Elm Place School. June 6, 1930. p5 HPN
Elm Place graduating classes 1930. June 12, 1930. cover photo. HPP.
Many contributors to Elm Place Fund. June 12, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Many contribute to school funds. June 13, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Pass $10,000 in school campaign. June 19, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
School fund drive still needs $3000. June 26, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School drive ; goal passed. July 11, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
New observatory. photo on cover, story p. 1. Aug. 15, 1930. HPN.
Start construction of observatory at Elm Place. Aug.21, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Elm Place School facilities. Aug. 28, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
1921 Start campaign to eradicate weeds. Apr. 28, 1921 p. 6. HPP.
1922 1500 acres swamp land in county. Mar. 2, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Move to reclaim Skokie marshland. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Lake County trees and shrubs (list) Apr. 6, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Urges saving of Grass Lake lotus. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Much interest in lake level survey. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
1923 Locate new bog in Lake County Apr. 5, 1923. p. 5. HPP.
Great importance of reforestation. June 21, 1923. p. 12. HPP
Urge preservation of scenic beauties. July 5, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Lotus plant now protected by law. July 12, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
Forest preserve to be extended. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Begin offensive on insect pests. Aug. 30, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
No more farm land to be sold. Dec 27, 1923. p. 5. HPP.
1924 Says soil erosion may be prevented. Jan. 10, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
High water delays lotus bed beauty. (Fox Lake) July24, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Plans to rescue landlocked fish. Sept. 18. 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Vandalism menace to rural beauty. Wildflower suffer. Sept. 18, 1924. p6 HPP
Urges removal of river pollution. Dec. 11, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
1925 Distribute quail on Illinois farms. Jan. 8, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Test case started over swamp lands. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Preserve scenic sports is urged. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
1926 Says fish supply of U.S. is decreasing. Jan. 21, 1926. p. 7. HPP.
Want bond issue for state forests. July 15, 1926. p. 7. pt. 2. HPP.
Forest preserve in Lake County a prospect. Aug. 12, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Artificial lake near Wauconda. Dec. 16, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
1927 Reforestation is flood control aid. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 3. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 Reforestation of Illinois is plan. Jan. 12, 1928. p. 7. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Plan extension of park to state line. (Lincoln Park, Chicago) Feb. 9, 1928, p. 8. Deerfield Section HPP.
Vandals destroying flowers and trees. May 17, 1928, p. 11. Deerfield . HPP.
New buckeye tree found in Illinois Aug. 2, 1928. p. 7. sec. 2.
How wild life can be easily destroyed. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 10. sec. 2. HPP.
1929 Save wild life in National Parks plea. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 3. sec. 2. HPP.
Wilderness areas to be preserved. June 20, 1929. p. 20. HPP.
This region rich in glacial relics. July 11, 1929. p. 39. HPP.
New law regulates building of sewers. July 25, 1929. p. 42. HPP.
Numerous changes in state fish laws. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 27. HPP.
1930 Grass Lake lotus is American product. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 21. HPP.
Results of surveys of oak trees here. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 16. HPP
Executions in the state in 12 years. Oct. 16, 1930. p. 18. HPP.
Naked ears to be the vogue. Bobbed hair passe. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 5. HPP.
Bobbed hair gains in fashion. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
To bob, or not to bob, hair: problem. May 22, 1924. p.14. HPP.
Tight skirts cause changes in street cars. Feb. 3, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Book Department new Press feature. Oct. 30, 1924. p. 1. HPP
Crossword Puzzle to appear on p. 1 of part 2. Dec. 4, 1924. HPP
North Shore news section. June 25, 1925. pt. 2.
Deerfield Our Neighbor to the West, June, 1925.
Columns: This Week by Arthur Brisbane. On various pages, Sept. 1925.
Book Review page weekly in HPN for 1930.
Fire destroys Winston home (photo) May 5, 1921 p. 1. HPP
$100,000 estimated damages Garnett Store, YWCA. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 1.HPP.
Elm Place School saved from fire. May 11, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
George Besler home destroyed by fire. June 22, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Firemen have a strenuous week. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Two Friday fires cause much damage. Apr. 5, 1923, p. 1. HPP
Good fire record here in past year. 75 calls. Jan. 18, 1925, p. 9. HPP.
Bad fire damages Lencioni Bldg. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor urges fire prevention methods. Oct. 15, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
North Chicago fire causes big damage. Nov. 3, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP
Deerfield school damaged by fire. Dec. 31, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Church interior (Immaculate Conception) seriously damaged by fire. May 20, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Spectacular fire Sunday morning. Hykler Toy Co. Dec. 16, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Lecture benefits flagstaff fund. Mar. 5, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
DAR presents new flagstaff to city July 4. July 2,1925. p. 1. HPP.
Florsheim purchases estate in this city. Oct. 11, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Ford declares he is not a success. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 6. HPP
Forest preserve to be extended. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Zoological park project adopted. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Discharge order cuts Fort forces. July 28, 1921. p. 7. HPP
More men coming to Fort Sheridan. Aug. 4, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Reserve officers meet at Fort. Sept. 29, 1921.p. 5. HPP.
General V. H. Moseley in command at "Sheridan" (photo) Oct. 12, 1922.p8 HPP
Children welcome Gen. Pershing at Fort. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Great boy's camp located near here (Camp Roosevelt) July 2, 1925. p. 1.HPP.
Prisoners at Fort escape, recaptured. May 6, 1926. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
Fort Sheridan to be made beauty spot. June 21, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
How Ft. Sheridan was built. Aug. 2, 1928. p. 6. sec. 2.
Ft Sheridan hails new general: Conrad takes reins at post. Jan. 24,1929. p1HPP
Marked improvement at Ft. Sheridan. Conrad in command. May 9, 1929. p.56
ROTC begins at Fort Sheridan. July 11, 1929. p. 15. HPP.
Fort Sheridan camp recalls war days. July 25, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Fort Sheridan may face abandonment. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Origin of name of Fort Sheridan. camp. Aug. 22, 1929. p. 35. HPP.
Interesting data on Ft. Sheridan. June 5, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
Gen. McClasky is new Fort commander. Sept. 11, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
McCloskey to be new commander at Fort. Sept. 12, 1930. p. 6. HPN
1921 Buildings at naval station to be sold. Apr. 28, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Complete inventory at Naval Station. Aug. 18, 1921. p. 9. HPP.
Navy abandons 3 radio stations. Sept. 1, 1921. p. 3. HPP.
M ay convert camp into fairgrounds. Dec. 1, 1921. p. 3. HPP
1922 Many men leaving Great Lakes station. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 8. HPP
Wireless telephone at naval station. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 8. HPP
Cut may be fatal to Naval Station. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
May train more men at Gt. Lakes. Mar. 16, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Naval Station safe, says Sec'y Denby. Mar. 23, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Refuse increase for Great Lakes. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
$3,000,000 hospital for Great Lakes. June 22, 1922. p. 4. HPP
Appropriation to stay at $200,000. Training station must get along on small amount. June 22, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Station will flash weather conditions. July 6, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Is Great Lakes doomed?(ed) Aug. 31, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Launch move to save Great Lakes. Sept. 28, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Great Lakes fate soon known. Oct. 12, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Save the training station (ed) Oct. 12, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
1923 Doubling harbor at Great Lakes. May 31, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Thousand recruits now at Great Lakes. July 16, 1923. p. 11. HPP.
Naval expense cut affects station. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 13. HPP.
About 1,000 Gobs are at Great Lakes. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 14. HPP.
1924 Veteran's Bureau hospital grant. May 8, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
New Great Lakes Hospital is plan. June 19, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Hospital for vets at Great Lakes. Dec. 18. 1924. p. 11. HPP.
1925 Rathbone fights for naval station. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Retain Great Lakes Training Station. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
1926 Admiral A. Ross dies; Great Lakes builder. Jan. 28, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Naval hospital to open March 1, Mar. 4, 1926. p. 3. HPP.
Dedicate hospital at Great Lakes, May 17. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 10.
Award contract for U.S. Hospital. Sept. 12, 1929. p. 17. HPP.
1930 To build barracks for aviation dept. May 15, 1930. p. 14. HPP.
New aviation station underway at Great Lakes. May 29, 1930. p. 23. HPP.
More building at Veteran's Hospital. June 5, 1930. p. 28. HPP.
Great Lakes station not likely to be abandoned. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 20. HPP.
Former Lake County man leaves big estate. Aug. 12, 1926. p1. pt. 2. HPP.
Historic village may incorporate. Feb. 10, 1927. p. 1. pt.. 2. HPP.
The world mourns (Photo) Aug. 9, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Harding Memorial serivce tomorrow. Aug. 9, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
"A clear track ahead," Hastings. July 21, 1921. p. 10. HPP.
Mayor chairman of budget committee. Aug. 28, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor Hastings to head budget drive. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Elect Mayor Hastings local bank director. July 13, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Mrs. Hastings at end of life. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor agrees to third term (Photo) Feb. 1, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor gives dinner marking third term. May 10, 1923. p. 11. HPP.
Mayor Hastings to talk at Lake Forest. June 28, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Mayor Hastings weds in West. Mar. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor Hastings elected ten years ago. Apr. 25, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Rolland Hastins' residence burned. Feb. 3, 1927. p. 1. HPP
Scores attack on Hasting regime. Apr. 7, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Present ex-mayor fine testimonial. June 2, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P Hawkins celebrate 60th wedding anniversary (photo) May 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1921 Busy putting up disease placards. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Report of visiting nurse association. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Typhoid appears early this year. May 26, 1921. p. 10. HPP
Board of Health issues (polio) warning. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
No new paralysis cases reported. July 21, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Visiting nurses report work for November. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
1922 Auto gases new menace to health. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Campaign to save children's teeth. Mar. 2, 1922. p. 9.
Laundry work safe occupation: Health Board. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 12. HPP
Visiting Nurses' report. Apr. 27, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Thousand cases of TB in county. Nov. 30, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
1923 More diphtheria warning issued. Jan. 4, 1923, p. 8. HPP.
Diphtheria menace lessening. Jan. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Report of school nurse of 1922-3. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
1924 Has new idea of longevity rules: eat all you want. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Illinois has low death rate list. July 24, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Motorists warned regarding smallpox. Aug. 21, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
County has four smallpox cases. Sept. 18, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
1925 Scarlet Fever is leading contagion. Jan. 8, 1925. p. 11. HPP.
Ride too much for good of our health. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Average lifetime in states: 58 years. Mar. 12, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
1926 Flu and pneumonia rampant in county. Mar. 18, 1926. p. 12. HPP.
1927 Health conditions here in fine shape. (Report) Oct. 6, 1927. p. 3. HPP.
1928 Mad dogs bite three; analysis shows rabies. Aug. 17, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
One county, Henderson, has no T.B. cases this year. June 28, 1928. p. 7. HPP.
Put ban on all public activities (scarlet fever epidemic) Dec. 6, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Influenza wave is subsiding locally. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Postpone annual play at Elm Place (influenza, scarlet fever epidemics) Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Child (Clifford Willett) dies of lockjaw resulting from wounds. Aug. 8,1929. p. 12. HPP.
Submit two reports on health conditions in Deerfield. Dec. 12, 1929. p. 53. HPP.
1930 Dr. Lake discusses hospital charges. June 26, 1930. p.10. HPP.
County to sponsor medical and dental clinics. July 25, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
HESSLER, GEORGE (Early Settler)
*Alternate spelling: Hesler
Reminiscences on my 90th birthday. June 7,1929 p. 17. HPN.
Pt. 2. Reminiscences. June 14, 1929. p. 16. HPN.
Pt. 3. Reminiscences. June 21, 1929. p. 16. HPN.
Highland Park resident to mark 90th birthday. Has lived here 81 years. May 30, 1929. p. 5.
*Summary of year's events. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP
*Annual review of events of the year 1922. Dec. 28, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1921 "Boosting week" Jan. 28-Feb. 4. Jan. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP
City collection of garbage is planned. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Announce rules for garbage collection. Feb. 24, 1921. p. 1. HPP
City starts suit for tax payers. Apr. 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Council passes on sewage disposal. Apr. 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
City officials appointed. May 5, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Valuable measures and weight found. May 12, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
City has installed new electric pumps. June 16, 1921. p. 11. HPP.
Council attempts to solve beach problem. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Thousands attended Highland Park Day events yesterday. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 1.
Says city's attitude is very unfriendly. Sept. 15, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
City plan & zoning commission gets busy to improve our front yard. Oct. 6, 1921, p. 1.
Highland Park will back up president. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Licenses required for entertainment. Dec. 29. 1921. p. 1. HPP.
*Summary of year's events. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1922 Public hearing on ordinance tonight. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Council decides to pave six streets. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
More pavements are voted by council. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Sanitary system proposed. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Business buildings are being erected. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
City to advertise for bids on truck. Large machine wanted. May 18,1922. p1HPP
Special election for zoning June 24. June 22, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Municipal golf course opens July 1. June 22, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Voters sanction zoning ordinance. June 29, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
City buys Packard 750 gallon truck. Aug. 31, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Vote annexation of Sheahen tract. Nov. 23, 1922, p. 1. HPP.
Closed bridges damage to city. Dec. 14, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Council accepts new fire truck. Jan. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1922 improvements worth 2 millions. Jan. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Meeting to plan future of the city. Jan. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Municipal record in past year. Jan. 4. 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Greater Highland Park plan is favored at big meeting. Jan. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Water and sewer extension plan. Jan. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor is urged to finish job. Jan. 28, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Commission is named by mayor. Jan. 28, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Greater Highland Park plan started. Feb. 1, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
City approves subdivision plan. Mar. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP
More improvements started by council: sewers/water mains. Apr. 12, 1923.p12.
City approves Daylight Saving Time. Apr. 26, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
New city council is now in charge. May 10, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
City's financial condition shown. May 31, 1923. p. 1.
New subdivision important factor. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Appoint E. C. Hoskin chief Fire Marshal. Nov. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP
1924 *Annual review of events of the year. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP
Council to aid hard road plan. Mar. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Explain purposes of annexation plan. Mar. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Annexation vote here on Saturday. Mar. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Big majority for annexation plan. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Annexation adds thousands to city. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
City Plaza project committee named. May 15, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Council plans new Skokie Valley road. May 22, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Laying plans for city's future: Central Plaza project. May 22, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
New dwellings in city. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Boost Highland Park: Beauty spot (11 photos) Oct. 23, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Miners excavating huge sewer system. Oct. 30, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Council acts on Ravinia station. Nov. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Annexation suit is won by the city. Dec. 11, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
*Review of events of year 1924. Jan. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1925 Three millions in improvements here. Jan. 1, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Five objectives in city planning. May 21, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
To ascertain costs of larger lights. June 18, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Council extends western boundary. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
.Annual appropriation bill. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Explains status of Thompson property (St. John and Central) Oct. 8, 1925. p. 1.
Name committee on street lights. Oct. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
*Review of events of year. Dec. 31, 1925. p. 1. HPP
1926 City makes great strides in paving. Jan. 7, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Big extension of city water mains. Feb. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP
Building prospects here are promising. Mar. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
State cannot help city build bridges. Aug. 12, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Letter discusses bridge difficulty. Aug. 19, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Extensive sewer system is planned. Nov. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
First steps taken in boundary tangle. Dec. 23, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1927 To co-operate in drainage project. Jan. 13, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Mayor suggests new city hall; seeks opinions on Laurel and St. Johns as new site. July 15, 1927.p. 6. HPN.
1928 Increase precincts in the city to eleven. Feb. 2, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Proposed new building for Udell Printing Co. (photo) Mar. 22, 1928. p.1.HPP.
Objectors throng Council Chamber. Apr. 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
What price light system for city? May 31, 1928. p.1 . HPP.
Contract for City Hall cite approved. June 18,1 928. p. 1. HPP.
Buy Coale property for new city hall. June 29, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Estimate Highland Park population about 14,000. July 12, 1928, p. 1.HPP.
Filtration plant is halted by suit. July 12, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Receive offer for city hall property. Jan. 13, 1929. p.1. HPP.
New city building plans as proposed. Feb. 7, 1929 . p. 1. HPP.
Report of local fire department. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Policeman Loesch shot; kills bandit. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Interesting report submitted by council. June 7, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Report of local fire department. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Ask new bid on fire station plans. Feb. 14, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Taxicab ordinance has first reading. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Open bids for new city hall. May 20, 1929. p. 1. Sketch p. 51. HPP.
New street sweeper put in commission. May 9, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Highland Park is leader in building. June 27, 1929. p. 28. HPP.
Lay cornerstone of city hall Saturday. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
How Highland Park received its name. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 8. HPP.
Photo: cornerstone ceremony on cover, story p. 1. Aug. 15, 1929. HPP.
Large city garage building planned. Aug. 22, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
1930 New city building open this weekend. May 1, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
City Hall Building open for inspection p. 5. sketch p. 18. May 2, 1930. HPN
Hundreds inspect new city building. May 8, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Population of Highland Park now 11,305 report. June 12, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Plans for yacht club and clubhouse on beach discussed. July 10, 1930. p1 HPP
Yacht harbor plan before city council. July 17, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park fights for sewage plant. Sept. 19, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Solicit support in religious education. Oct. 4, 1923. p.4 HPP
Religious education classes at Elm Place. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Religious education work beings Oct. 1 at Elm Place. Oct. 2, 1924. p. 10 HPP
Report of local fire department. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Ask new bid on fire station plan. Feb. 14, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Griffin Building damaged by fire. May 22, 1930. p.1. HPP.
Fire loss $40,000 as Griffin Bldg. burns. May 23, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
1921 Medical staff at hospital increased. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 10. HPP
Annual meeting of hospital association. Nov. 10,1921. p. 1. HPP.
Annual hospital report is made. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 5. HPP.
1922 Plan campaign for hospital addition. Mar. 23, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
May need $150.000 for local hospital. June 8, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Half of hospital quota is raised. July 13, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Devote next week to hospital fund. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Start hospital addition. (photo) Oct. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Good progress in hospital campaign. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital drive is to continue. Nov. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Hospital board hears reports. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Hospital fund needs $38,000 more. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital addition nearly completed. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Reports on hospital show good progress. Nov. 6, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Open hospital for public inspection. Dec. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1924 Dedicate hospital Sunday afternoon. June 5, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital formally dedicated Sunday. June 19, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Annual meeting held. Building paid for. Nov. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
May be necessary to close hospital. Nov. 27, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Open meeting to discuss hospital. Dec. 11, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1925 Plan maintenance drive by hospital. Jan. 8, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital campaign leaders appointed. Jan. 15, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital campaign plans are complete. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hospital reaches its goal. Jan. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Give endowment fund to hospital. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Baby clinic to be at hospital every Thursday. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Hospital to get $100,000 bequest. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1926 Hankey bequest to Highland Park Hospital. Jan. 14, 1926. p. 1. HPP
Miss Thomas, head of Highland Park Hospital, is removed by death. July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Annual meeting is held. Nov. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Highland Park Hospital praised. Mar. 19, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
1930 Our hospital is alive and growing. Feb. 6, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
X-ray equipment at Highland Park Hospital. Mar. 6, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
Laboratory work in Highland Park Hospital. (Photo) May 1, 1930. p. 17. HPP.
A weekly library column appears.
Gratitude of a community (ed.) Jan. 20, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Highland Park Public Library faces crisis: short of money. June 9, 1921. p1 HPP
The public library (ed.) June 9, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Library renews appeal for funds. Sept. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Mrs. Mary A. Jennings, librarian, dies. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Community shop to help library. Feb. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Purchase paintings for public library (by artists F. Peyraud and F. Dudley) July 10, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Notables to open children's room. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
The Public Library (ed.) Sept. 10, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
Story Book Girl (Rita Smith-Photo) Sept. 17, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Library has cover of Gutenberg bible. May 12, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Declares library needs more room. May 19, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Board approves library addition. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Library offers college information. Sept. 7, 1928. p. 17. HPN.
Planning library building for city. May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Annual report of public library. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
45th annual report of library issued. Nov. 1, 1928. p. 1. (sketches: buildings library has occupied.) HPP.
Historical document exhibited at library. Jan. 3, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Mrs. Everett (Francis D.) named delegate to Library Assn. meeting. May 9, 1929, p. 1. HPP.
Expert discusses plans for library. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Photo of library entrance on cover. Nov. 21, 1929. HPP.
Plan to buy more land for library. Mar. 10, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Council approves new library plans. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Plan new building for public library. p.1. Apr. 10, 1930. Drawing on cover. HPP
Children's librarian resigns. June 19, 1930. p. 41. HPP.
Plan improvement of new park soon. July 31, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Library to occupy old city building. Aug. 7, 1930. p. 1.
Public library in old city building. Aug. 14, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Library settled in new quarters. Sept. 12, 1930. p. 20. HPN.
Construction work started on library. Sept. 19, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Lay cornerstone of library Friday. Oct. 23, 1930. p. 1.(Sketch) HPP.
Lay cornerstone of new library. Oct. 30, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Your library and how to use it. Oct. 30, 1930. p. 10.
Highland Park Library cornerstone laid (photo) p.1. Oct. 31, 1930. HPN
Highwood starts garbage collection. May 18, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Fire destroys two Highwood building. Aug.10, 1922. p.1. HPP.
Highwood Fire Department. (photo) Mar. 1, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Discusses change of name, Highwood. Aug. 2, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Highwood name not changed, new paving. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood planning additional paving. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood pair are found dead (Mr/Mrs/ John Walz) Oct. 30, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood has new parochial school-St. James. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
New Highwood bank to open in April. Mar. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
New St. James church in Highwood (photo) Apr. 22, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Begin delivery of mail in Highwood. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood Post Office in new quarters. (Photo) Dec. 8, 1927. p. 12.HPP.
Police Chief Frame is out on bond. Sept. 16, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Chief Frame fined; Rafter acquitted. Sept. 30, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Highwood man (S. Massini) is killed in crash. Feb. 2, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Declares Highwood law-abiding city. Oct. 18, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Apprehend Marsh: Highwood constable charged with extortion. June 28, 1929 p. 1. HPN.
Santi contesting Highwood election. May 9, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Highwood's new mayor, H.Roth, takes reins. May 9, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Financial statement, June, 1929. July 18, 1929. p. 11. HPP.
Highwood may be first to face trial under new booze law. Sept. 5,1929. p4. HPP
Frustrate holdup of Highwood bank. June 19, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
1930 Highwood football squad. Oct. 23, 1930 cover photo) HPP.
Highwood citizens form committee to aid unemployed. Dec. 5, 1930. p. 8.HPN.
Raze old Thorne House on new city hall site. June 6, 1929. p. 38. HPP.
Egandale home of William C. Egan. cover photo. Nov. 14, 1929. HPP>
1921 Photo: Central and St. Johns c1880. May 19, 1921. p. 1. HPP
County pioneer dies in Arkansas May 19, 1921. p. 10 HP (James Blanchard, first white child born in Lake County)
1922 Photo: Central and First Streets. c 1889. Nov. 9, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Photo: Central and St. Johns c? Nov. 16, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Photo: Presbyterian Church of Highland Park. c. 1880? Nov. 23, 1922 p.2 HPP
1923 Erect boulder to mark Indian camp (Evanston) May 31, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Deed recorded is for tiniest tract July 26, 1923. p.7. HPP.
1924 Highland Park in days of Pioneers (1851) Jan. 10, 1924. p. 10. HPP
State to care for graves of pioneers. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Describes opening first hotel here.(c1874) May 29, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Suggest plate for historic elm tree (Waukegan) Aug.28, 1924.p. 10. HPP.
1925 First train from Chicago in 1865. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Brief history of rural mail work. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Thrilling story of Illinois told. May 7, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP
Thrilling story of Illinois. May 21, 1925. pt. 2, p. 2. HPP.
More facts about Illinois. June 4, 1925. pt. 2. p. 1. HPP.
Valley of Legends, feature: Starved Rock. July 2, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Sees spot where West began, settled first in 1685. (Kaskaskia) Sept. 24, 1925. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Indian trail tree dedication held in Evanston. Nov. 26, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2 HPP
1926 Highland Park's paved streets, list & 10 photos. Jan. 7, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Find skeletons near Lake Zurich. Apr. 29, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Plan replica of Marquette chapel (at Mundelien). June 3, 1926. p. 1. pt.2 HPP.
Pageant to mark old trail history. Aug. 5, 1926. p. 3. pt. 2. HPP.
Highland Park in Illinois history. Sept. 16, 1926. p.1. pt. 3, HPP.
Deerfield Church historical sermon. Dec. 2, 1926. p. 4. pt. 3. HPP.
Dooley residence is being moved. Old Central Av. landmark. Dec. 9, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
1927 Former Indian camp to be subdivision. (Libertyville) Jan. 20, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Life history of Salome Brand. July 21, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Shields Township history. Mrs. Philip Hale. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
Muhlke family in Deerfield history. Aug. 11, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Memories of early days are related. Aug. 18, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
History of Deerfield nearing completion. Aug. 25, 1927. p. 1 Deerfield Sec. HPP
Fritschs Deerfield residents since 1842. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Mrs. Laing's parents in early history. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
1928 Need naval base in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) Fe. 9, 1928. p. 6. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Name new bridges for noted pioneers. Lewis and Clark memorials. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
1929 Tells of growth of Deerfield school. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Hessler: Reminscences on my 90th birthday. June 7, 1929 p. 17. HPN
Pt. 2: Reminiscences: June 14, 1929. p. 16. HPN.
Pt. 3: Reminiscences: June 21, 1929. p. 16. HPN.
Tells of growth of Deerfield School. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Origin of name of Fort Sheridan camp. Aug. 22, 1929. p. 35. HPP.
1930 Historic farm machinery display at Rosenwald Museum of Science. May 15, 1930. p. 23. HPP
Waukegan house which sheltered Lincoln reported sold. Oct. 16, 1930. p15 HPP
Hoover attitude shows his wisdom. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Hoover is better for living abroad. Sept. 6, 1928. p. 4. sec. 2. HPP.
Solicit funds for Hoover campaign. Oct. 11, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Women are urged to support Hoover. Oct. 11, 1928. p. 2. sec. 2. HPP.
New hospital to be ready in six weeks. (St. Therese) Dec. 20, 1928. p.2.sec.2 HPP.
X-rays in our hospital. Mar. 7, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
H.P. has modern laboratory in local hospital. May 2, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Dr. Lake discusses hospital charges. June 26, 1930. p. 10. HPP.
Says county hospital should have 20 more beds. June 26, 1930. p. 22. HPP.
Another addition to vets hospital. July 10, 1930. p. 32. HPP.
Submit plan for county hospital. July 17, 1930. p. 14. HPP.
Commends county hospital system. Oct. 2, 1930. p. 39. HPP.
Describes opening first hotel here. c1874. (photo) May 29, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1922 Illinois leads in road building. Aug. 10, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
1923 School enrollment exceeds capacity. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 13. HPP
Provisions of new fish law outlined. Aug. 30, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Herd of deer in Illinois county. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 11. HPP.
1924 Total building in Illinois in 1923. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 15. HPP.
Illinois wealth over $22 billions. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
State university has 11,000 on roll. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 15. HPP.
Volcano once was active in Illinois. May 15, 1924. p. 13. HPP.
Illinois leading in road building. June 12, 1924. p. 11. HPP.
State preserving historic points. July 3, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Illinois has low death rate list. July 24, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Want state police force in Illinois. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 16. HPP.
Employment grows in Illinois towns. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Illinois products exhibit is success. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
1925 Claim land taxes assessed too low. Mar. 5, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Thrilling story of Illinois told. May 7, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Thrilling story of Illinois. May 21, 1925. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
More facts about Illinois. June 4, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Valley of Legends, Illinois feature. Starved Rock. July 2, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Historic Illinois points near Pekin. Oct. 8, 1925. p. 4. pt. 2. HPP.
Illinois leads in many lines. Oct. 22, 1925. p4. pt. 2. HPP.
83 centenarians die during 1924. Oct. 29, 1925. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
1926 Hard road record in state in 1925. Jan. 7, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
Better fishing is promised in state. Apr.8, 1926.p. 8. HPP.
Old Fort Chartres is historic spot: is in Randolph County. July 15, 1926. p.10.
1927 Make Camp Logan state park, plan. Jan. 20. 1927. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Summary of laws recently passed. Sept.15, 1927. p. 7. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
First election in Illinois recalled. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 7. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Marriage and divorce figures for Illinois. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 4. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
First hanging in Illinois in 1821. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 3. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
1928 Largest wolf seen in state in years. Apr. 5, 1928. p. 3. North Shore Sec. HPP.
State institution inmates are many. Aug. 2, 1928. p. 8. sec. 2 HPP.
Prison population in Illinois grows. Aug. 13, 1928. p. 7. sec. 2. HPP.
1929 Stratton puts ban on brass cuspidors. June 6, 1929. p.23. HPP.
Suggests state buy Lake County lakes. July 4, 1929. p. 25. HPP.
New law regulates fishing in the state. July 11, 1929. p. 42. HPP.
1930 Mastodons once roamed Illinois. July 31. 1930. p. 35. HPP.
Jewels are stolen from Insull home. Oct. 17, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park man, J. D. Jones, invents tide motor. Feb. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Products of local plant , Pfanstiehl's Special Chemicals Lab., are famous. Aug. 5, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Patents are granted to Highland Park and Lake Forest residents. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 17.. HPP
Jens Jensen to talk on "Art" in nature. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
School dedication is notable event. May 17, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Urge preservation of scenic beauty. July 5, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Urges bridges over ravines, opposes fills. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP
Woman's Civic Club hears Jens Jensen. Oct. 22, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Vandals destroying flowers and trees. May 17, 1928. p. 11. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Dedicate Rosenwald memorial in Ravinia. June26, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Kennicott family in early history. Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Judge Thacker writes of Dr. John Kennicott. Jan. 26, 1928, p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
LADY ELGIN (Steamship)
Last survivor of "Lady Elgin" dead . Albert Doebert. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 12. HPP
Hero' s exploit is told in old book; in Lady Elgin disaster. (Edmund Spencer) May 17, 1923. p. 5. HPP.
Find human bones in digging cellar. Believe to be victim of wreck of Lady Elgin. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Lady Elgin survivor (J. Wormer) buried in Milwaukee. June 20, 1929. p. 9. HPP
Lain loses fight to escape penalty. June 16, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore sec. HPP.
1921 Resorts fear lakes will dry up. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 7. HPP
County loses fight in Supreme Court. Feb. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
State owes county large sum of money. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
County will get refund from state. Feb. 24, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Plan new wing for County courthouse. May 19, 1921. p. 3. HPP
Three motorcycle police for county. June 23, 1921. p. 5 HPP.
Abandon plan for county speed cops. June 30, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Best fair in many years is indication. Aug. 4, 1921. p. 9. HPP.
County schools cost $1,455,000 last year. Aug. 18, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
All records broken at fair attendance. Sept. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Board favors new court house wing. Sept. 29, 1921. p. 8.
Lake County now worth $38,629,140. Oct. 20, 1921. p. 8. HPP
County may have many new roads. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 15. HPP.
Lakes in county stocked with fish. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 10. HPP
County poor farm in good condition in Libertyville. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Oil wells interest Lake County people. May have supply here. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Lake County land tax up 5 percent. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 9. HPP.
1922 Tri-County board of trade proposed. Jan. 19, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
County happenings briefly. Feb. 23, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
1500 acres swamp land in county. Mar. 2, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Lake County fears for road program. Mar. 26, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
County nowhere near bankruptcy. Mar. 16, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Lake County trees and shrubs. (list) Apr. 6, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Committeemen named by Board last week. May 4, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Name Dr. Lieber county physician. June 22, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Lake County leads in law enforcement. Aug. 3, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
New road map of Lake County made. Sept. 28, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
County budget is $487,350. for year. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Approve addition to court house. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Urging addition to court house. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Drawing of remodeled court house. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 11. HPP.
County records are unprotected. Nov. 2, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Say Court House addition urgent. Nov. 2, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
County assessed value: $39,000,000. Nov. 2, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Official canvas of Lake County vote. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Lake County leads in personal property value. Nov. 30, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
1923 County urges road building plan. Feb. 1, 1923, p. 4. HPP.
Let contracts for new court house. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Warns hunters of law violations. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Many accidents in this county. July 26, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Road building in county this year. Progress described. June 7, 1995. p.6. HPP
Lake County is running ahead of its levy. June 21, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
County hospital dump for chronics, Highland Park man says. June 21, 1923, p. 7. HPP.
Charge rejected gravel to county. July 5, 1923, p. 6. HPP.
Annual report of township treasurer. Aug. 9, 1923. p. 5. HPP.
Overdraft showing county funds. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 7. HPP
County budget is largely increased. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
County to employ veterinary expert. Sept. 20. 1923. p. 10. HPP.
County WCTU annual meeting. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
Lake County land values estimated. Dec. 6, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Says Lake County ideal for homes. Dec. 13, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
1924 Lake County shows property increase. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Lake County may have state fish pond. Jan. 17, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Plan much paving for county roads. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Lake County ranks high in live stock. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 13. HPP.
Finances of County in good condition. June 12, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Costs of schools in county shown. Aug. 7, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
County poor farm may be rebuilt. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Action on County Farm criticized. Oct. 2, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Build new county home (ed) Oct. 2, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Property value (over $87, 000,000) is shown. Nov. 6, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
County supervisors discuss poor bills. Dec. 25, 1924. p. 16. HPP.
1925 Average income of farmer in Lake County: $2936.00 Feb. 5, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Women farmers in Illinois: 10,000. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 13. HPP.
$18,024,041 value of county property. Sept. 3, 1925, p. 4. pt.2. HPP.
Lake County annual budget. $522,650. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
County poor bills lower, reports show. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
County poor farm facade proves deceptive. Find appalling conditions within. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Total valuation Lake County property. Oct. 8, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
County may not be able to issue bonds. Poor Farm question. Dec. 31, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1926 Shows increase in county land price. Jan. 14, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Lake County fairgrounds are sold. Mar. 18, 1926. p. 9. HPP.
Lake resorts see big season coming. May 27, 1926. p. 1. H PP.
New mail system through Lake County. June 3, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2.HPP.
To build Servian abbey in County. July 22, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Lake County ninth in U.S. in pavement. July 22, 1926. p. 8. pt. 2. HPP.
Many Lake County post offices lost. July 29, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
County has leased another gravel pit near Wauconda. July 29,
Promise to remedy poor farm hazards (Libertyville) July 29, 1926. p.2. pt.2.HPP
Assessed value of county increased. Sept. 23, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2 HPP.
1927 County planning much road-making. Mar. 17, 1927. p. 6. pt. 2, 1927. HPP.
County farm may be problem again. May 5, 1927. p. 7.
Urge county police woman be appointed. May 12, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
County ends year with cash on hand. June 30, 1927. p. 6 Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Reports on roadwork in County. June 30, 1927. p. 6. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Shortage of funds in County charged. June 23, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Want to make new state hereabouts. June 16, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore sec. HPP.
Location of dam might start fight. July 21, 1927. p. 9. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Lake County may receive $100,000 from gasoline tax plan. July 21, 1927. p. 10. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Five indicted in county fund case. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 5. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Appropriations by Supervisor's Board. Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Two pioneers of Lake Cty. dead (Parkhurst, Wolf) Oct. 6, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Section. HPP.
Lake County history in corner stone. Nov. 17, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec.HPP
Audit of county funds completed. Nov. 22, 19
Plan bond issue for county roads. Nov. 22, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Audit of county funds completed. Nov. 22, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
1928 Soon need new county building. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
T o vote on bond issue May 15, County farm buildings need. May 3, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
County Farm bond issue election. May 10, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
County Farm bond issue defeated. May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Withhold decision on Highway patrol. May 31, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Poor farm problem still serious one. May 31,1928. p. 4. HPP.
Action on poor farm is delayed. June 21, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Water in Lake region highest in many years. July 19, 1928. p. 6. sec. 3 HPP.
County road bond fund is exhausted. Aug. 30, 1928. p. 6. HPP.
Urges finishing roads in county. Sept. 6, 1928. p. 11. sec. 2. HPP.
County has sixty-one single room schools. Sept. 27, 1928. p. 6. sec. 2. HPP.
Lake County has had two hangings. 1865, 1872. Nov. 1, 1928. p12. sec. 2 HPP
County to retain six motor police. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 7. HPP.
1929 Veteran official of county is dead (Marshall D. Limberry, Libertyville) Jan. 3, 1929. p. 10. HPP.
Railroad values in Lake County. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Outline plan for more county roads. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 48. HPP.
O'Connor (James) elected chairman of board. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 29. HPP.
Move to collect from Kansas Bank. May 9, 1929. p. 33. HPP.
County financial condition serious. May 9. 1929. p. 54. HPP.
To pave 25 miles of road in county. June 6, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
Lake County saving in year is $45,000. June 20, 1929. p. 17. HPP.
Poor bills of county total large sum. June 20, 1929. p. 45. HPP.
Clearing county of slot machines. June 27, 1929. p. 22. HPP.
North Shore towns show rapid growth. July 11, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Lake County fourth in manufacturing. July 18, 1929. p. 16. HPP.
Budget for county schools $3,743,000. Aug.8, 1929. p. 18. HPP.
School census of county shows loss. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 26. HPP.
County population estimate issued. Nov. 28, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
Lake County total assessed valuation. Nov. 28, 1929. p. 33. HPP.
1930 Fatal drownings in county for year. Feb. 20, 1930. p. 28. HPP.
Lake County leads in crop averages. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 16. HPP.
Suburban building shows some gains. May 15, 1930. p. 18. HPP.
400 delinquent on income tax. May 29, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
Lake County Hospital should have 20 more beds. June 26, 1930. p. 22. HPP.
Lake County now 9th in population. June 26, 1930. p. 27. HPP.
Lake County leads in subdivision rules. July 3, 1930. p. 23. HPP.
Submit plan for county hospital. July 17, 1930. p. 14. HPP.
County to sponsor medical and dental clinics. July 25, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
Lake County leads in fur production. Sept. 18, 1930. p. 14. HPP.
Inland lakes not navigable. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 18. HPP.
Overrule objections to decision on lakes. Oct. 2, 1930. p. 14. HPP.
Government survey of Lake Cty. industry. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 31. HPP.
Lake Cty. now has snowplow equipment. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Lake Forest's new book center. (photo of proposed library) May 15, 1930. p. 36. HPP.
Robert J. Thorne heads Lake Forest Academy. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Build summer resort. Nippersink. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Skeleton found on shore of lake. June 2, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Man drowned in lake Sunday. July 7, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Two drowned here Friday evening. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Council attempts to solve beach problem. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Three drowned at Waukegan last week. July 21, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Lake Michigan claims two more victims. July 21, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Last survivor of "Lady Elgin" dead. Albert Doebert) Dec. 8., 1921. p.12. HPP
Waukegan may have large new harbor. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
6,000,000 trout dumped into lake. May 4, 1922. p. 14. HPP.
Discuss bathing beach problem here. June 8, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Beach water is unsafe. June 22, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Record tide marks storm along shore. Aug. 31, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Much interest in lake level survey. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Doubling harbor for Great Lakes. May 21, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Passenger boats run to Waukegan. July 5, 1923, p . 6. HPP.
Old pirate ship is afloat again. July 9, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
First steps taken to locate treasure. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP
To start hunt for lost ships. Sept.17, 1925. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
Plan yacht harbor for Highland Park. June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Seek support for yacht harbor plan. June24, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Low lake level caused by drought. June 24, 1926. p. 3. HPP.
Airplane rescues three from lake. July 29, 1926. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Lake rises first time in winter. Feb. 3, 1927. p. 6. pt. 3. HPP.
Unusual rise seen in Lake Michigan. July 19, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
To restock lake with million young fish. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 3. HPP.
Storm and floods cause $50,000 loss in Highland Park. Apr. 5, 1929 p5 HPN
Lake batters away North Shore land. May 30, 1929. p. 42. HPP.
Notes unusual lake level at Waukegan. July 4, 1929. p. 16. HPP.
Lake Michigan goes on rampage. July 25, 1929. p. 55. HPP.
City gets ideas on shore protection. Jan. 9, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
N. Shore Yachtsmen to build harbor in Highland Park. June 20, 1930. p1 HPN
Plans for yacht club and clubhouse on beach discussed. July 10,1930.p1 HPP
Yacht Harbor plan before city council. July 17, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Yacht Club project before city council. July 18, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Much interest evidenced in harbor and yacht club project. July 25, 1930 p1HPN
Lakefront park along north shore. Oct. 23, 1930. p. 25. HPP.
Judge Landis and the Public (ed) Mar 3. 1921. p. 6. HPP
Mayor Lewis reads his inaugural address. May 5, 1927. p.1. HPP.
An open letter by Mayor Lewis. May 26, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Aged resident, Joseph W. Butler, dies. Oct. 22, 1925. p. 1. pt.2. HPP
Huge development near Libertyville. Gigantic Insull project. Dec. 24, 1925. p.1.
Promise to remedy poor farm hazards. July 29, 19926, p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Former Indian camp to be subdivision. Jan. 20, 1927. p. 8. HPP.
Big improvements for Libertyville. Mar. 10, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Veteran official of county is dead:( Marshall Limberry of Libertyville.) Jan. 3, 1929. p. 10. HPP.
Big development at Libertyville. Sept. 19, 1929. p. 21. HPP.
Report plans for new theatre at Libertyville. May 29, 1930. p. 11. HPP.
Plan to re-route Milwaukee Ave. around Libertyville. July 17, 1930. p. 21. HPP.
Libertyville plans to rehabilitate old spring. Aug. 21, 1930. p. 12. HPP.
Pioneer libraries in Illinois many. Nov. 22, 1923. p.12. HPP.
Much illiteracy in Lake County. Apr. 17, 1930. p. 26. HPP.
LOESCH, PETER (H.P. Policeman)
Fearless policeman (photo) Jan. 18, 1929. p. 1-5 HPN.
Commerce Chamber honors Loesch. Feb. 15, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Additional honors for Officer Loesch. Feb. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP
Office P. Loesch balks robbers in attempt on cafe. Oct. 24, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
Gordon T. Manning rescued in Atlantic. Apr. 12, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
Author: The Des Plaines. June 30, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Re-elected president of East Park Board. Apr. 19, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Elisha Morgan, former resident, makes plea in Vasho Island, Wa. paper. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 12. HPP.
"Talkies" arrive at Alcyon this week. Nov. 30, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Deerpath Theatre now offers sound pictures. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
Interior view of Deerpath Theatre. (photo) May 9, 1929. p. 48. HPP.
Lake Cty. man, Sanford F. Bennett, wrote famous song: "In the Sweet Bye and Bye. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Erect boulder to mark Indian camp (Evanston) May 31, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Indian war cry rouses Ravinia. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Skulls and relics found in mounds. May 8, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
State to purchase mounds at Cahokia. June 5, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Waukegan to have another daily paper. Frank Just, ed. Nov. 10, 1921. p10 HPP
"Great Lakes Bulletin" discontinued. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 11. HPP.
New Highland Park Press factory building on Central Ave. (illustration) May 11, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
North Chicago has community paper. May 25, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
New editor: Robert E. Wood, for this newspaper. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1 HPP.
News at Deerfield quits. Press offer. Dec. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park Press circulation figures. May 26, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park News second anniversary. Apr. 13, 1928, p. 5. HPN.
Column: "Hitting the High Notes", musical criticism, by Orson Welles appears each week June through August, 1928. HPN
New home of Waukegan Sun. (Photo) Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Highland Park Press is in its new office in Udell Bldg. Nov. 29, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1887 photo of first print shop. July 19, 1929. cover page. HPP.
Highland Park Press turns to magazine format. Mar. 21, 1929.
North Chicago in more trouble. June 1, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
North Chicago votes to stay broke. July 27, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
North Shore part of Chicago in 1950. Dec. 1, 1927. p. 1 N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Explains Sanitary District operation. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Additional facts on sanitary district. Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Big Skokie sewer plan is considered. Feb. 20, 1930. p.4. HPP.
State board approves plan to build plants. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 16. HPP.
Northbrook bids "Goodbye to Mud" Paving completed. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Northbrook holds pioneer pageant. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 20. HPP.
Abercromy, Archibald. June 9, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Adams, Mrs. Edith McGregor. Dec. 17, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Adams, Mrs. Margaret. Mar. 30, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Adams, Miss Sarah Sept. 9, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Adamson, Elda. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Ahlberg, Berger (Photo) Feb. 14, 1929 p. 1. HPP
Ahlberg, Berger Feb. 15, 1929, p. 5. HPN
Ahrens, Mrs. Frederika. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Ahrens, W. F. June 3, 1926, p11, pt. 2. HPP.
Albrecht, Fred. Aug. 20, 1925. p. 5. HPP
Albright, C. Julius. Dec. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Aldridge, Mrs. Nellie A. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Alexander, Louis, Apr. 1, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Alford, Ferrin, Jan. 3, 1929, p. 10. HPP.
Allison, Margaret Jane. May 26, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Amick, Mrs. Frank. Aug. 30, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Anderson, August Aug. 8, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Anderson, Carl July 31, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Anderson, Emily (Adolph) July 1, 1926. p. 7. HPP.
Anderson, Esther (Carl) Nov. 28, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Anderson, Marrinius. Aug. 30, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Anderson, Stanley, June 17, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Anning, Mrs. Herbert, May 20, 1926. p. 8, pt. 2. HPP.
Antes, Mrs. Salome. May 12, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Armstrong, Mrs. Alice) Mar. 1, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Arnold, Helen (Allee F.) Aug. 25,1927. p. 1. HPP.
Arnold, Helen (Allee F.) Aug. 26, 1927. p. 4. HPN.
Arnswald, Mrs. Minnie, Mar. 11, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Arnswald, William. Apr. 19, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Ashley, Mrs. William. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Ashman, William. June 16, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Ashum, Dr. David W. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Augustus, Robert. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Axt. Miss Marguerite. Nov. 27, 1930. p. 10. HPP.
Axt, Miss Marguerite. Nov. 28, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Aynsley, Cora. Mar. 31, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Aynsley, John H. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Azmont, Antoin. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Bacon, Henry M. Mar. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Bahr, Anna (Fritz) May 9, 1930. p. 7. HPN.
Bahr, Mrs. Fritz. May 8, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Bahr, Louisa (George) Apr. 3, 1930. p. 41. HPP.
Baker, Charles. June 5, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Baker, Elise, Aug. 13, 1925. p. 6. HPP
Baker, Frank J. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Balding, Edward. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Baldwin, Louis F. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Ball, Elizabeth Hawkins (Joseph) Oct. 23, 1930. p. 9. HPP.
Ball, Marietta F. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Ball Mrs. Marietta. Sept. 5, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Barber, Mrs. Harriett Rockwell. July 7, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Barnes, Mr. J. M. May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Barrett, Mrs. Clara, June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Bartoli, Lucy (Mrs. Angelo) Dec. 6, 1923. p. 20. HPP.
Bartoli, Mrs. Mary. Mar. 11, 1926. p. 6. HPP
Bartz, Oscar. Sept 25, 1924. p. 1. (Photo) HPP
Basye, Dr. Arthur Sept. 23, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Bayse, Henry C. Nov. 8, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Baylor, James. Dec. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Beach, Mrs. Ann E. Aug. 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Bean, Vernon, Oct. 9, 1930. p. 11. HPP.
Beardsley, Otis L. Mar. 11, 1926. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Beardsley, Dr. Wilfred. June 6, 1929, p.15. HPP.
Beck, Eleanor. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Becker, A. B. May 21, 1925,p. 7. HPP
Becker, Dr. Emil. July 9, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Beers, Herbert Page. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Belk, Dorothy Baker (Mrs. William) Jan. 1, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Bell, Oscar F. ÷ar. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Bennett, Everett. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 18. HPN.
Benson, Mary (Charles) Oct. 3, 1929. p. 9. HPP.
Bergdorf, William, Apr. 8, 1926. p. l, pt. 2. HPP.
Bergen, Dr. Lloyd M. (photo) Oct. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Bergstrom, Mrs. Helen. May 16, 1929. p. 8. HPP.
Bertucci, Bruna, Mar. 20, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Bertucci, Lucy. Dec. 8, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Berube, Laurence V. Mar. 5, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Bird, Mildred (Benjamin) Sept. 19, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Black, Gladys (Frank) July 28, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Black, Gladys (Frank) July 29, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Black, Mrs. Sarah L. Feb. 17, 1927. p. 8. HPP.
Blanchard, James May 19, 1921. p. 10. HPP *1st white child born in Lake Cty.
Blight, Mrs. Augusta. Dec. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Block, Mrs. Mildred. Dec. 28, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Bock, George F. July 7, 1927. p. 1. (photo)*pioneer merchant HPP.
Bock, Hannah (Frank) Mar. 27, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Bock, Hannah (Frank) Mar. 28, 1930 p. 1. HPN
Boden, Samuel. June 3, 1926. p. 1.HPP.
Boehm, Dr. Carl . Dec. 11, 1930.p. 6. HPP.
Boehm, Dr. Carl. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Boehm, Mrs. Carl. June 23, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Bohl, Mrs. Grace. Oct. 8, 1925. p. 6. HPP..
Bohl, M., dry goods merchant. Aug. 13, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Bolan, Edward, May 1, 1924. p. 2. HPP.
Bond, Albert B. June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Booth, Adeline (William) July 14, 1927. p. 1. HPP. 45 year resident.
Booth, Adeline (William) July 15, 1927. p. 4. HPN.
Booth, Mrs. Phoebe. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Boss, Fred. May 10, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Bournique, Elizabeth A. (Augustus) Nov. 8, 1928. p. 7. HPP.
Bowden, James. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Bowden, James. May 17, 1929. p.5. HPN
Bowden, James. May 23, 1929. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Bowden, James May 24, 1929. p. 5. HPN
Bowen, Herbert. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Bowman, Harry C. Sept. 11, 1924. p.1. HPP.
Boyden, Mrs. William C. Apr. 26, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Boyer, Mrs. Jessie. Oct. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Boynton, Charles B. Mar. 1, 1923, p1. Mar. 8, 1923. p. 7. (Photo) HPP
Boynton, Mrs. Donald S. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 5. HPN
Boynton, Helen (Donald) Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Brace, Mrs. Margaret Thomas. Dec. 25, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Bradley, James, Feb. 27, 1930. p. 26. HPP.
Bradley, Katherine (Maj. Follett) Dec. 16, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
Brady, Chester, Feb. 2, 1928.p. 10. HPP.
Brady, D. J., Civil War Veteran. Sept. 18, 1924. p. 8. HPP
Brady, J. A. Feb. 19, 1925 p. 1. HPP
Bradley, Dr. A. E. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Brand, George. Oct. 10, 1929. (early settler) p. 5. (photo) HPP. *
Brand, Mary Steers (William E.) Jan. 20, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Brand, Salome (early settler) Jan. 13, 1921. p. 1. (Photo)HPP *
Brand, Virginia. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Brandt, John. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Brandonisio, Rosa (infant) Sept. 29, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Bredin, Mrs. John Oct. 14, 1926. p. 7. HPP.
Bremer, Dorothy R. (Karl and Fred) Feb. 2, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Bremer, Marian Dorothy Helen Mar. 8, 1928. p. 5. HPP
Brian, Edward (6 yrs.) May3, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Bricknell, Anna (Richard) May 10, 1928. p 5. And p. 1 of Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Brooks, Orion, Sept. 24, 1925. p. 7. HPP
Brown, Boyd. May 16, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Brown, Charles Feb. 16m 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Brown, Dorothy E. May 22, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Brown, Eleanor (Mrs. Benjamin) Dec. 24, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Brown, Mrs. George. May 18, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Brown, Glen. Mar. 16, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Brown, Oliver S. July 15, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Brown, Sarah, Mrs. Francis. Apr. 2, 1925. p. 9. HPP.
Brownlee, Mrs. Minnie, Dec. 8, 1921.p. 1. HPP.
Bruner, George. June 2, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Bryant, Dr. George. Apr. 28, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Bryant, Isabel, Mrs. George. Apr. 28, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Bubert, Amelia (Herman) April 28, 1927. p. 1. pt. 3 HPP
Buck, Lawrence. Aug. 22, 1929, p 2 HPP, Aug. 23, 1929, p. 1 HPN
Burgess, Rev. William. Aug. 3, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Burke, Mrs. Regina. Nov. 17, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP
Burnside, Meredith. July 4, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Busch, Emma. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Buskirk, Jerry Ben. June 25, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Byrne, John D. July 10, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Cahn, Mrs. Ida. Jan. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Cahn, Sidney B. May 29, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Cain, Frank R. Jan. 16, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Campbell, Annie (George) July 11, 1929. p.1. (photo) HPP.
Campbell, Annie (George) July 12, 1929 . p. 6. HPN.
Campbell, Mrs. Edwena, July 25, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Campbell, Mrs. Edwena July 26, 1929. p.4. HPN
Campbell, Frank. June 21, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Carani, Peter, Sept. 17, 1925. p. 7. HPP
Carlson, Carl Louis. Jan. 10, 1929. p. 10. HPP.
Carlson, Peter L. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 4. HPP
Carlson, Peter L. Dec. 26, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Carolan, Elizabeth. (John) Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Carolan, John. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Carolan, John. Apr. 1, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Carqueville, Eva (A.R.) April 28, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Carqueville, Richard A. Nov. 30, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Carqueville, Richard A. Nov. 29, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Carr, Mrs. Robert. F. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Carr, Mrs. Sarah B. Aug. 9, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Carry, Edward F. Apr. 25, 1929 p. 7. HPP.
Carver, Mary ( Mrs. Henry.) June 9, 1927. p. 1. HPP photo
Caselli, Silvio June 23, 1927. p. 8. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Casey, Earl. July 14, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Cavanaugh, Mrs. Ellen. Dec. 14, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Cavanaugh, Miss Mary. May 3, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Cerratti, Louis. Nov. 22, 1928.p. 8. HPP.
Chamberlain, Mrs. Nenah. Jan 14, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
Champagne, Lucien. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Chandler, H. E. Feb. 4, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Chandler, Hannibal, Mar. 11, 1926. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Chase, Mrs. Naomi. Jan. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP..
Cheney, Edward. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Cheney, Frank L. June 26, 1930. p. 1. photo- former councilman. HPP.
Cheney, Frank L. June 27, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Chevett, Philip Oct. 4, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
Christenson, Hattie (Fred) July 21, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Christmann, John S. June 20, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Christmas, John. June 28, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Christopher, Samuel D. Mar. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Church, Charles W. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Churchill, Frederick. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Cimbalo, Violet (infant) June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Clague, Stanley. Jan. 27, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Clampitt, Nicholas. July 13, 1922. p. 1. HPP 50 year resident.
Clark, Dr. Solomon H. Jan. 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Clark, Dr. Solomon H. Jan. 6, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Clark, Terrence, C. Aug. 5, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Clark, Mrs. T. C. Jan. 3, 1924, p. 1. HPP.
Clark, Walter B. Oct. 20, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Clarke, Henry R. Sept. 28, 1922. p. 12. HPP.
Clarke, Lulu, Sept. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Clason, Helen. June 9, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Clavey, Bessie Ruth. (2 yrs. old) May 24, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Clavey, Mrs. Ernest. Aug. 13, 1925. p. 2. HPP.
Clavey, F. D. Jan. 23, 1930. (Photo) p. 4. HPP.
Clavey, Fred. Jan. 24, 1930. p. 5. HPN
Clavey, Minnie Schnadt, Mrs. Fred. (photo) Dec. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Clavey, William A. Feb. 6, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Clayton, Joseph. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Cleary, John J. May 22, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Cleary, John. May 23, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Cleveland, William. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Clow, Fred. July 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Clow, Fred. July 6, 1928.p. 5. HPN
Coale, H. K. Oct. 14, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Colding, Andrew, Aug. 7, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Colding, Andrew. Aug. 15, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Colding, Matilda (Andrew) June 20, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Colding, Mrs. Matilda. June 21, 1929. p. 8. HPN.
Cole, Mary Helen. Aug. 15, 1929. p. 2. (child) HPP.
Coleman, Henry C. Aug. 4, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Collins, George. June 27, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Collins, George Martin. June 26, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Comstock, Naomi (Levi) Mar. 17, 1927. p. 1. Sermon: Mar. 24, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Congdon, Harold C. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Connelly, George. July 9, 1925. p. 3. HPP.
Conrad, Frances J. (Mathias) July 11, 1929. p. 3. (photo) HPP.
Conrad, Frances Jane (Mathias) July 12, 1929,. p. 5. HPN.
Conrad, John E. Sept. 16, 1927.p. 5. HPN.
Conrad, John E. Sept 15, 1927. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Conway, Mary A. (Mrs. Miles) July 9, 1925. p. 3. HPP.
Cook, Mrs. Alma. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Cook, Mrs. Anna. Dec. 17, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Cook, Ernest. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Cooke, Homer Dec. 20, 1923. p. 11. HPP.
Cooksy, Frederick. Dec. 15, 1927. p. 1 Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Cooper, Edward. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Cornell, Alice (Rev. Douglas) Nov. 19, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Corr, Mrs. Barbara Smith Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Corr, John Charles. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Corso, Mrs. Rosie. Apr. 18, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Costello, Carl. July 18, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Costello, Carl. July 19, 1929. p. 6. HPN
Costello, Frank. Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Cote, Alfred. Mar. 7, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
Cote, Mrs. Fred. Oct. 29, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Covington, Charles. Feb. 21, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Cox, Mary J. (William) Jan. 10, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Cox, Mary (William) Jan. 11, 1929. p. 5. HPN
Coxe, Mrs. Jean. Sept. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Crane, Ruth (Jacob) Feb. 17, 1928. p. 17. HPN.
Crane, Ruth (Jacob) Feb.16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Crawford, Graham. Mar. 13, 1930. p. 34. HPP.
Creaney, William D. Feb. 25, 1926. p. 12. HPP.
Creight, Daniel C. Oct. 4, 1928. p.1. HPP.
Cross, Ellen F. (Miller) Nov. 25, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Culver, Dr. Eugenia. July 28, 1927. p. 4. Deerfield sec. HPP.
Culver, Morton. Mar. 10, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Curley, Bridget, Aug. 24, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Curley, Thomas, Aug. 2, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Curley, Thomas. Aug. 3, 1928. p. 5. HPN
Curtis, John Fitch. July 27, 1922. p. 1. HPP. (photo)
Cutler, Dr. William Pond. Aug. 5, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Danner, Earl. Apr. 19, 1928. p. 6. HPP.
Danner, Earl N. Apr. 20, 1928. p. 18 HPN
Danner, Mae Sylvia. Oct. 21, 1926. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
DaSham, John. June 20, 1929 p. 2. HPP. See also: DuSham, John.
Davenport, Capt. A. J. (Lighthouse keeper) May 2, 1929. p. 12. HPP.
Davidson, Mrs. Harlan. Dec. 4, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Davis, Edna (Mrs. George) May 6, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Davison, Dorothy. Aug. 12, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Dawson, Emily July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Dawson, Joan (child) Aug. 5, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Dawson, John, July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
DeAnguera, Philip. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Dearborn, John. Jan. 26, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
DeBartolo, Gaspare. Mar. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
DeBerg, Mrs. Marillus. Jan. 14, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
DeGries, Peter B. Apr. 11, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Delaney, William. May 5, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Denison, Mrs. E. H. Mar. 13, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Detmer, Henry. July 12, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
De Witt, Mrs. William. July 25, 1930. p. 9. HPN
Dickinson, Belle C. (Guy) Feb. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Dickinson, Belle C. (Guy) Feb. 22, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Dietrich, Mrs. Josephine. Jan. 24, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Dietrich, Michael. Feb. 4, 1926. p. 10. HPP.
Dietz, Paul M. June 27, 1929. p. 41. (Photo) HPP.
Dietz, Paul M. June 28, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Dike, William W. Mar. 3, 1927. p. 1. (Photo) Civil War veteran. HPP.
Dill, Mrs. George K. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Ditmer, Henry C. July 11, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Dixon, Mrs. James. July 24, 1930. p. 33. HPP.
Doebert, Adelbert, last survivor of Lady Elgin sinking. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 12. HPP
Donnelley, Judge Charles H. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 8. HPP
Donner, Mrs. Carl. Jan. 17, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Dooley, Mary. Jan. 24, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Dooley, Mary. Jan. 25, 1929 p. 5. HPN.
Dooley, Thomas M. Feb. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Dooley, Thomas M. Feb. 22, 1929.p. 5. HPN.
Dorian, Cornelius. Jan. 18, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Dorkert, Edward, Jr. Aug. 24, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Drake, Charles F. Nov. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Drew, Major G. A. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP July 28, 1921. (Photo) p4 Civil War veteran.
Driscoll, Jeremiah, Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Driscoll, Jeremiah, Nov. 25, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Drum, Cynthia. May 5, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Duffy, Bridget Agnes. Nov. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Duffy, Christiana . Sept. 25, 1930. p. 37.
Duffy, Frank X. Nov. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Duffy, James H. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Duffy, James H. Oct. 14, 1927. p. 5. (Photo) HPN.
Duffy, Joseph. Nov. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Duffy, William N. Jan. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Dunmore, Mary (Mrs. Harry) Apr. 2, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Durment, Howard. May 25, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Dunn, Roswell. July 28, 1927. p. 4. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Dunn, William E. Oct. 17, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Durst. Theodore (Mayor of Waukegan) Feb. 18, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
DuSham, John. June 21, 1929. p. 6. HPN. See also: DaSham, John
Eames, Col. Henry. May 10, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Eaton, Mrs. Liza Jane. Aug. 22, 1921. p. 5. HPP
Edwards, James. June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Edwards, Henry B. June 11, 1925. p. 1. June 18, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Edwards, Louisa (Leslie) Oct. 9, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Edwards. Mrs. Louise. Oct. 10, 1930 p. 6. HPN.
Egan, Joseph Aug. 11, 1927. p. 6.
Egan, Margaret B. (Joseph) Jan. 13, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Egan, William C. Jan. 16, 1930. (photo) p. 1. HPP.
Egan, William C. Jan. 17, 1930. p. 1. HPN
Egbert, A. J. Feb. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Eggenah, Mrs. Albertine. July 15, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Egolf, Mrs. Margaret. Feb. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Eichler, Martin, Mar. 18, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Eisenberger, Katherine (Hugo) July 8, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Eisenstaedt, Dr. Moses. Mar. 3, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Ekelmann, Helen (Mrs. Max) Oct. 2, 1924. p. 7. HPP..
Eklund, John Roberts. Feb. 23, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Elfrink, Dr. Walter E. May 16, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Ellermeyer, Mrs. Louise. Aug. 9, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Elliott, Mary Elizabeth (child) June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Elvey, Elizabeth, Mrs. George. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 1. HPP*1850 settler
Emerick, Joseph H. Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Emerick, Sgt. J.H. Jan. 20, 1928. p. 18. HPN.
Ernst, Howard George. Jeb. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Esmiz, Evan (inf.) Oct. 6, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Evans, Mrs. Evan. Jan. 28, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Evans, Harry. May 29, 1924 p. 1. HPP.
Evans, Irvine. Dec. 8, 1927. p. 6. HPP.
Evans, John. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Evans, Robert G. former mayor H.P. photo Dec. 12, 1929. p. 1. HPP. *
Evert, Mrs. Frank Jan. 5, 1928. p. 4. North Shore Sec. HPP. Winnetka pioneer.
Ewart, George. Oct. 24, 1929. p. 10.
Ewart, Gordon. May 11, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Ewing, Mrs. Ruth B. Mar. 1, 1923. p 1 (Photo) HPP.
Ewing, William G. (Photo) Feb. 23, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Fagan, Miss Nellie, May 3, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Fagan, Nellie (Mrs. James) Nov. 1, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Farmer, Michael A. (Photo) Apr. 24, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Farmer, William W. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Farmer, William W. Sept. 26, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Farrell, F. J. June 5, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Faust, Marth (Henry) July 5, 1928. p.1. HPP.
Fearing, Mrs. Lamar. Jan. 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Fessenden, Laura D. (Mrs. Benjamin) May 15, 1924. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Findley, George. Jan. 17, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Fiore, Mary. (Child) Jan. 12, 1928. p. 1 HPP.
Fischer, George W. Mar. 29, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Fisher, Fred. G. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Fisher, Louise (Mrs. Fred) Nov. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Fitzgerald, Gerald. Dec. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Flanery, Mathew. Dec. 17, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Fleming, Nancy (child) May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP,
Fletcher, Archibald William (former mayor of Highland Park) Mar. 19,1925 p. 1, HPP
Fletcher, Elizabeth (Mrs. Archibald) Sept. 15, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Fletcher, Leila (Mrs. Ross) May 17, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Flinn, Mary (William W.) Sept. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Flint, Mrs. Alice. Jan. 14, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Florent, Francis J. June 16, 1921, p.1 June 23, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Floyd, Miss Kate. Apr. 13, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Flynn, James (6 yr. old) Nov. 16, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Flynn, Nettie B. (Mrs. William) Mar. 6, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Follansbee, Cecile (Merrill M.) May 5, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Follansbee, Charles E. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 10. HPP.
Fortin, Miss Louise. Aug. 23, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Fox, Adam, July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Fox, Anna, July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Fox, Helen, July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Fox Mildred, July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Franke, Mrs. Adolphine. June 27, 1930. p. 1. HPN
Franzen, John. Sept. 25, 1924. p. 14. HPP.
Freberg, Charles. May 29, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Freberg, Johanna (John) Oct. 16, 1930. p. 1.
Freberg, Mrs. John. Oct. 17, 1930. p. 17. HPN
Freberg, John. July 31, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Freberg, John. Aug. 15, 1930. p. 9. HPN.
Freberg, Oscar. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Freberg, John. Apr. 18, 1929. p. 2. & Apr. 25,1929 p. 17. HPP.
Freeberg, John. June 21, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Freeman, Lois V. (infant) Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. HPP
Freeman, Mary (John) June 28, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Fritsch, Susan (James) May 5, 1927. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Frost, Mrs. Almon. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Fuller, Charles H. Feb. 19, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Gallagher, John F. (child) July 29, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Gallagher, Frank D. Mar. 30, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Gallup, Edward M. Apr. 21, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Garnett, S. G. Aug. 15, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Garrity, Mrs. Frank. Nov. 3, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Gastfield, Miss Caroline. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Gates, Rev. Simon J. Sept. 4, 1924. p. 1. photo: Setp. 11, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Gavin, Rev. Edward W. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Geary, Charles, Sr. Sept. 27, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Geer, Ira J. Dec. 13, 1923. p. 1. photo HPP.
Geiser, Paul. Nov. 11, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Genest, John, former police chief. Oct. 25, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Genest, Mary, Mar. 10, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Gerhardt, Mrs. E. R. Nov. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Gerken, Henry. Dec. 17, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Giarelli, Martha. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 12. HPP.
Gibbons, Nora (Dennis) Apr. 11, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Gibbons, Nora (Dennis) Apr. 12, 1929. p. 6. HPN
Gibbs, Mrs. May C. Dec. 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Gibson, J. L. Nov. 8, 1928. p. 7. HPP.
Gillett, Mrs. Mary. June 8, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Gingles, Andrew, June 11, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Gipp, Mrs. C. G. Apr. 21, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Glass, John. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Glass, Lieb, Sept. 6, 1928. p. 8. HPP.
Godfrey, Mrs. Norman. May 5, 1921 p. 1. HPP
Goehringer, Annie (Edward) Apr. 5, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Goetz, Mrs. Frances. Dec. 3, 195. p. 1. HPP.
Goldberg, Isaac, June 7, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Golden, Edward A. Nov. 27, 1930. p. 10. HPP.
Golden, Edward A. Nov. 28, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Goodman, M. N. Jan. 30, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Goodnow, Anna (George) Aug. 14, 1930. p. 4 & Aug. 21,1930. p. 1. HPP.
Goodnow, Frank E. June 3, 1926. p. 6. pt.2. HPP.
Goodnow, George F. Apr. 11, 1929. p. 8. HPP.
Gordon, Thomas D. Dec. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Gould, Raymond D. Apr. 11, 1929. (photo) p. 3. HPP.
Gould, Raymond D. Apr. 12, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Grant, Helen, (William) June 16, 1927. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Grant, Luke. Dec. 11, 1930. p. 22. HPP.
Grant, Luke. Dec. 5, 1930 p. 18. HPN.
Grant, William. Sept. 19, 1929. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Green, Bertha (Frank B.) Feb. 17, 1927. p. 1. & Feb. 24, 1927. p1(Photo)HPP.
Green, Charles. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 9 HPP.
Griese, Bertha. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Griffith, John Jr. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Griffin, J. Webb. Oct. 23, 1930. p. 35.
Griffin, James. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Grosse, Mrs. Charles. May 29, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Grosted, Martin. June 20, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Grostad, Martin. June 21, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Grover, Naaum (Nahum) Oct. 10, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Grover, Rev. Nahum, Dec. 3, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Grunewald, Adolph. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Gsell, William B. Apr. 7, 1921 p. 1. HPP
Gutke, Maila (infant) Sept. 30, 1926. p1. HPP.
Gutzler, Mrs. Anna (pioneer resident) Jan. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP *
Haines, Evelyn L. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP.
Hainline, Grace (Mrs. R. L.) Mar. 20, 1930. p. 10. HPP.
Hallinger, Mrs. Ellen, July 23, 1921 p. 1. HPP.
Halstrom, Charles. Jan. 28, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Hamilton, William J. May 1, 1930, p. 23 &29. HPP.
Hangren, Carl E. May 1, 1930. p. 18.HPP.
Hangren, James (child) Apr. 18, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Hangran, James. Apr. 19, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Hankey, Charles H. May 8, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Hansen, Bernice (infant) Aug. 26, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Hanson, Pauline (Philip) Oct. 10, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Hardacre, Virginia (Milton) Aug. 7, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Hardcastle, Lillian (Charles) May 22, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Hardcastle, Lillian (Charles) May 30, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
Harris, William. July 28, 1921 p. 1. HPP.
Harry, John. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Hart, Harold, June 3, 1926. p.1. HPP.
Hart, James M. Oct. 2, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Hart, Owen, Mar. 18, 1926. p. 12. HPP.
Harkin, Jane (Harry) Mar. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Harmon, Elsie (John) Mar. 28, 1929. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Harmon, Elsie B. (John H.) Mar. 29, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Hastings, Jeanette, Mrs. Samuel (wife of mayor) Oct. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Hautale, Rachel. Nov. 21, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Haven, Alfred. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Haven, Celelia (Frank) July 31, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Hawkins, Marie Everts, wife of first mayor: Frank Hawkins. Sept. 25, 1924 p. 1
Hawley, Starr F. May 14, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Hayes, Evelyn (Dennis J. ) Feb. 24, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Hayes, Margaret T. Apr. 2, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hayner, Fred A. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Hendel, Albert L. May 31, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
Henderson, James. Dec. 23, 1926. p. 4. HPP.
Hendricks, Charles L. Apr. 16, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Hennig, Frances T. June 27, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Hennig, Frank. June 28, 1929 p. 5. and July 5, 1929 p. 5. HPN.
Henning, Lois (Lester) Nov. 21, 1929. p. 51. HPP.
Herrman, William. Mar. 13, 1930. p.35. Mar. 20, 1930. p. 35 HPP
Hermance, Mrs. Mary, Apr. 9, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Hertel, Carl. Jan. 3, 1930. p. 6. HPN.
Heydecker, Christian C. Mar. 4, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Hicks, Clara , ( John G.) Aug. 10, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Hicks, Herman. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Hicks, John G. Aug. 22, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Higgins, James. Sept. 27., 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Hill, Sgt. Elwin. May 5,1927. p. 4. HPP.
Hill, George Oliver. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Hilliard, Edward J. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Hinds, Miss Jane. Feb. 23, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Hinn, Mrs. Millie, Oct. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Hintz, Emma (Mrs. Peter) Nov. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Hintz, William (infant) Aug. 31, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Hodges, Miss Cora. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Holmberg, Mrs. Charles. July 11, 1929. p. 32. HPP.
Holmes, Mrs. Elen. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Hoopes, Caroline (Amos) July 31. 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Horenberger, Mrs. Emilia (Mathias) Oct. 20, 1927. p.1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Horigan, Mrs. Katherine. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Hoskin, Mrs. Helen. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Hough, Emerson, noted author. May 3, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Houseman, Mrs. Bertha. July 27, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Howay, William. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Howland, Philip. Sept. 29, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Hubacher, Frank A. June 12, 1930. p. 41.
Huber, Elizabeth E. (George) Sept. 11, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Huber, Elizabeth Sept. 19, 1930. p. 2. HPN.
Huehl, John C. May 30, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Huehl, John C. May 5, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
Huehl, John C. June 6, 1929. p. 41. HPP.
Hull, Dr. Harry Douglas. Aug. 12, 1926. p. 5. pt. 3. HPP.
Hunt, George W. July 16, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Hussey, Jane M. (Mrs. Franklin) Feb. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Imre, Joseph. May 3, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Ingalls, Ellen. H. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Ingalls, Mrs. Ellen. Feb. 21, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Iredale, Earl C. Jan. 16, 1930. p. 4. (photo) HPP.
Iredale, Earl C. Jan. 17, 1930. p. 6. HPN.
Jacobs, Frank. Dec. 5, 1929. p. 43. HPP.
Jacobson, Margaret (Mrs. Gustaff) Nov. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Jacobsen, R. Mar. 28, 1929, p. 1. HPP.
Jacobson, August. Apr. 17, 1930. p.8. HPP.
Jacobson, R. C. Mar. 29, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Jaeger, Charles P. Sept. 6, 1928. p. 8. HPP.
James, Fred. S. July 7, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Jamison, Mrs. Frank. Aug. 2, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Jennings, Mrs. Mary A. longtime librarian. (photo) Dec. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Jepperson, Julia. (Mrs. Hans) Sept. 6, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Jepson, Mrs. Wilminia. July 15, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Johansen, August C. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Johnson, Andrew. July 31, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, A. V. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Johnson, Carl. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Johnson, Clara. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, Miss Eleanor. June 17, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, Emily. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, Fredrika, Mrs. Peter. Apr. 19, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, Gus. Dec.. 27, 1928. p.8. HPP.
Johnson, H. G. May 30, 1929, p. 6. HPP.
Johnson, Jared L. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Johnson, Louis. Dec. 29, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Johnson, Ninus. Mar. 25, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Johnson, Otto, Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Johnson, William H. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 8. HPP
Johnson, William Oscar. Dec. 4, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Johnston, William. Sept. 19, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Jones, Julia (Maj. Charles) Dec. 30, 1926. p. 1. HHPP.
Jones, Lewis E. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Jones, May Seymour. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Jones, Walter A. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Juhrend, Fred. May 10, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Juhrend, Mrs. Minnie (Otto) Feb. 23, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. Hpp.
Kail, Dr. John William. May 17, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Kantorwitz, David. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Karch, George J.(5 yr. old) Mar. 6, 1924. HPP.
Keeler, Isabel. June 23, 1927. p. 8. N. Shore sec. HPP.
Kehrwald, Eva. Mrs. Joseph. Mar. 1, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Keller, Rev. George S. Feb. 24, 1927. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Kelley, Wilsoh. July 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Kemberling, Mrs. Melinda Apr. 18, 1929. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Kendall, Frank. Dec. 30, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Kendall, Jeannette. June26, 1930.p. 2. HPP.
Kendall, Jeannette. June 27, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Kennedy, Mrs. E. J. May 9, 1929. p. 52. HPP.
Kent, Isabella. Oct. 22, 1925. p. 12. HPP.
Kerr, Mrs. William. Jan. 10. 1929. p. 10. HPP.
Kerwin, John J. Mar 5, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
Kimberly, Frank. Sept. 6, 1928. p. 4. sec. 2. HPP.
King, Mrs. Delilah. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
King, William, former postmaster. Jan. 24, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Kist, William H. Jan. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Kittman, August. July 21, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Knight, Frank B. Oct. 16, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Knight, Samuel E. June 20, 1929. p. 8. HPP
Koch, Theodore. Nov. 15, 1928. p. 5. HPP.
Koller, Herman J. Feb. 4, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Kolteman, Norman. July 13, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Kopp, George C. Oct. 16, 1924. p. 1. HPP
Kopp, William. Feb. 20, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Kopp, William Feb. 21, 1930. p. l. HPN.
Kral, Milo John (child) July 9, 1925. p. 5. HPP
Kreh, William. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Krueger, Catherine (Fred) Oct. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Krueger, John. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Kuist, C. A. Mar. 17, 1921, Mar. 24, 1921. p1. HPP
Labahn, T. L. Jan.10, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2.and. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Laine, John. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Landau, Alice Ott (Mrs. Edward) Apr. 10, 1924. p. 2. HPP.
Lange, Annie (Carl) Nov. 4, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Lange, Charles E. Mar. 29, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Lange, Wilhelmina (Henry) Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Langstrom, Edward. Sept. 5, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Larson, Carl, pioneer builder. May 3, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Larson, Charles. Apr. 2, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Larson, Glen. July 9, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Larson, Myrtle June (infant) Aug. 4, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Lasche, Mathias. Jan. 16, 1930.p. 10. HPP
Lasher, Mrs. William E. Aug. 2, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Lederer, Ruth Caroline (child) Sept. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Leffert, George. July 20, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Leisenring, Ella. Sept. 25, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Lemkuhl, Charles. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Lencini, Antonio. June 26, 1930. p. 8. (Photo) HPP.
Lencioni (sic) Anton. June 27, 1930. p. 2. HPN.
Lencioni, Joe. Dec. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Lenfesty, George. Sept. 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Leonardi, Hilda. Feb.16, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Leonardi, Hilda. Feb. 17, 1928.p. 17. HPN.
LeRoy, Daniel. June 23, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Leuschner, Mrs. Angelica. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Levin, Samuel. Jan. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Lewis, William B. July 24, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Ligare, Miss Ruth Jan. 5, 1928. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP.
Lightall, Ellis. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Lightbody, Frank. Jan. 7, 1926, p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Lightner, Mrs. Josephine Prall Mar. 31, 1921 p. 1. HPP
Limberry, Dennis (Police officer, Libertyville.) Jan. 3, 1929. p. 10. HPP.
Lindblom, Emma (Mrs. Olaf) Aug. 17, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Lindstrom, Caroline (Mrs. Elof) May 24, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Linn, James C. Dec. 2, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
Lisle, Edmund G. Sept. 18, 1930. p. 3. HPP
Lisle, Edmund G. Sept. 19, 1930. p. 5. HPN..
Locke, Richard. July 21, 1927. p. 4. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Long, John. Apr. 30, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Lonngren, Magnus N. July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Louderback, William Johnson. Dec. 2, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Louer, Rose M. (Albert) Dec. 25, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Louer, Rose M. (Albert) Dec. 26, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Love, Mrs. Helen. Aug. 7, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Lovedale, Alexander M. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP.
Lowe, Helen (Mrs. F. Macdonald) Apr. 30, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Lundgren, Freda. Feb. 28, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Lunt, Alfred S. Mar. 26, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Lunt, Mary (Alfred) Apr. 19. 1928. p. 6. HPP.
Lutz, Robert. Dec. 22, 1921, p. 1; Dec. 29, 1921. p. 2. HPP.
MacAdam, Rebv. George. Nov. 18, 1926. p. 1. pt. 3. HPP.
McCarthy, James J. Mar. 8, 1923, p. 9. HPP.
McCarthy, Miss Margaret. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
McClaren, Gertrude. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
McClernan, Louis F. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
McClory, Michael. Apr. 28, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
M'Dearmid, Ardner, July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
McDonald, Grace Lighthall (Mrs. Edward) Nov. 13, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
McDougall, Alfred. June 21, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
McDougall, Margaret. Apr. 5, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
McElhose, Mrs. Minnie B. Jan. 5, 1928. p. 8. HPP.
McGath, Effie Sept. 13, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
McGath, Merwin. Nov. 5, 1929. p. 6. (photo) HPP.
McGraw, Mrs. George. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
McGuiness, Alice (John) May 31,1928, p. 1. HPP.
McGuire, Mrs. J. Fred. Apr. 25, 1929. p.30. HPP.
McIntosh, Miss Susie, Aug. 11, 1921. p. 1. HPP
McKenzie, Hugh. (5 yrs. old) July 17, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
MacLeod, Murray, Aug. 14, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
McMullen, Frank R. Jan. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP
McNeill, James L. Sept. 20, 1923 . p. 1. HPP.
McPherson, A. G. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 1. and Feb. 7, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
McPherson, A. G. Feb. 1, 1929 p. 5 & Feb. 8, 1929.p. 5. HPN.
McPherson, Archibald L. July 19, 1929. p. 1. HPN
McPherson, Leon O. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
McPherson, Leslie. July 18, 1929. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
McPherson, Lorah (Mrs. Leon) July 9, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
MacReady, Olivia. June 5, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
McVicker, Mary (Mrs. James) Oct. 30, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Maechtle, Fred K. July 21, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Maechtle, Henry. Dec. 13, 1923. p. 1. HPP. *Old settler, 1876*
Magnuson, Augusta (Arvid) May 1, 1930. p. 12. HPP.
Magnuson, Miss Daisy, Mar. 11, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Magnusson, Mrs. Irene. Aug. 21, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Mahen, Marie (John) Nov.5, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Maher, Dennis. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Maher, Mrs. Dennis. Sept. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Maher, Frank R. July 16, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Mann, Charles E. June 27, 1929. p. 48. HPP.
Marley, Mrs. Evelyn. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Marley, Mrs. Evelyn. Sept. 5, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Maroney, Miss Margaret. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 1. & Feb. 16, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Marshall, John Irwin. Feb. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Marshall, William. Mar. 23, 1922. p. 12. HPP.
Martin, Albert. Feb. 13, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Martin, Albert J. Feb. 14, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Martin, Miss Mary Elizabeth. June 23, 1927. p. 8. N. Shore sec. HPP.
Mason, A. O. Jan. 13, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Mason, Mark. Nov. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Mason, William E. June 23, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Massini, Sam. Feb. 3, 1928. p. 18. HPN.
Mauck, Mrs. Joseph. Mar. 11, 1926. p. 6. HPP.
Mauran, Charles S. Sept. 11, 1930. p. 3. HHPP.
Mayer, Frank E. May 31, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Mayer, Harold. May 29, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Mayo, Miss Dorothy June 6, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Meierhoff, Frederick W. Apr. 4, 1929. p. 1. Highland Park sec. of Deerfield Press.
Meierhoff, F. W. Apr. 5, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Meintzer, Caroline. (Jacob) Oct. 17, 1929. p. 49. HPP.
Meirle, Rev. John June 27, 1929. p. 41. HPP.
Mele, Vincenzo. July 4, 1929. p. 31. HPP.
Menefee, Mrs. Frances. May 31, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Menoni, Ida T. (Joseph) July 17, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Menoni, Mrs. Joseph. July 18, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Mentzer, John G. May 3, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Merkerson, Otto. June 17, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Merrick, Abby (Mrs. Oscar) Dec. 24, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Merriman, Margaret (Thomas) Nov. 19, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
Merryweather, George. July 3, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Merryweather, George H. Oct. 9, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Merryweather, Miss Hannah. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Messenger, William Dorrance. July 3, 1930. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Messenger, William D. July 4, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Metzel, Albert J. Feb. 14, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Metzel, Albert J. Feb. 15, 1929. p. 8. HPN.
Meyers, Fred. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 8. HPP.
Mezzini, Eugene. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Mihills, Mina (Merrick) Mar. 27, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Millard, William Nov. 5, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Miller, Doris Margaret (child) Oct. 25, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Miller, Ida. Aug. 7, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Miller, Truman S. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Miller, Mrs. William de Witt. July 24, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Mills, Adele, Oct. 6, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Minorini, Dominic May 20, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Mitchell, Hattie (Mrs. Eugene) Mar. 15, 1923. p. 6. HPP
Mocogni, Frieda (Egidio) Sept. 5, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Mohoney, Patrick, Jan. 14, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Moline, Olaf Theodore, Aug. 5, 1927. p. 4. HPN.
Montgomery, Silas H. Apr. 23, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Montray, Mrs. Emily S. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. & 14. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Mooney, John. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 1. HPP. *Pioneer settler.
Mooney, Mrs. John. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Moore, Baseile, Sept. 1, 1927. p. 9. HPP.
Moore, Dr. Roberta. June 13, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Moran, Mrs. Anna. Jan. 10, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Moreton, Olive Emma (Mrs. George) Feb. 21, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Morgan, Capt. Otho H. former mayor, 1879. photo Oct. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Morgan, Julia P. (Mrs. Otho H.) Feb. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Morrison, Annette Mar. 1, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Morse, Sarah (Lester) Sept. 1. 1927. p. 3. HPP
Moseley, Carlton, Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Moseley, Carleton. Mar. 23, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Moses, Mrs. Alfred. May 13, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Moses, Mrs. Fanny. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Muline, Theodore. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Muller, Ida Rose (Philip) Dec. 22, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Munro, Fayette S. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP (Photo)
Munson, Edward T. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 7. HPP.
Murphy, Fred. Mar. 20, 1924. p. 11. HPP
Murray, Mrs. Clara Apr. 28, 1921 p. 1. HPP
Myerling, Rev. June 28, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Mykytor, Mrs. Mary. Mar. 8, 1928. p. 6. HPP.
Nadir, John Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Nafe, Albert. June 21, 1928. p. 10. HPP.
Nafe, Albert. July 11, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Nafe, Albert. July 12, 1929. p. 6. and July 19, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Nafe, Mrs. Albert Apr. 29, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Nafe, Gustave. Mar. 3, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Neel, Claude. Oct. 2, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Nelson, John . July 7, 1921 p. 1. HPP
Nelson, John P. Feb. 28, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Nielsen, Stanley. (child) Feb. 25, 1926. p. 7
Noerenberg, August J. Apr. 5, 1923, p. 9. HPP.
Noethling, Mrs. Emma. Mar. 15, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Nolan, James. Dec. 12, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Norcross, Louise. Feb. 3, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Norrlen, Axel E. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Norrien, Mrs. John. Mar. 13, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Northrop, Mrs. Annis B. Aug. 22, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Noulen, Mrs. John. Mar. 14, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Nugent, Matthew J. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Obee, Harriet E. (Mrs. William) Mar. 1, 1923, p. 6. HPP.
Oberrauch, Lewis. June 14, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
O'Brien, Richard John. Feb. 9, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Olander, Magnus. Dec. 1, 1927. p. 6. HPP.
O'Leary, Arthur. May 29, 1926. p.1. and May 27, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Olsen, Mrs. Anne, Jan. 19, 1922, p. 1. HPP.
Olsen, Katherine (infant) Dec. 25, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Olson, Albert Michael (infant) Dec. 11, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Olson, Martin. Aug. 14, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Olson, Martin. Aug. 15, 1930. p. 4. HPN
Onderdonk, Mrs. Matilda. May 16, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
O'Neil, William J. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP.
Osterman, Henry C. June 30, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield sec. HPP.
Osterman, William J. Dec. 4, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Ostrand, Mrs. Gus. June 22, 1922. p. 7. HPP
Ott, Eli L. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Ott, Fred. May 31,1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Ott, William. Jan. 10, 1930. p. 5. HPP
Otto, Frank. Oct. 14, 1926. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
Page, Mary b. (Charles) Dec. 8, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Paine, Mrs. Bertha Nov.12, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Palmer, Charles. Jan. 17, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Panarelli, Elizabeth F. Apr. 10, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Pankiewitz, Frances (John) Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Parker, Ada (Gerald) Jan. 12, 1928. p. 3. HPP.
Pardee, Walter S. May 28, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Parnell, W. H. Jan. 23, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Parratt, Norris. Mar. 30, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Parsons, Charles A. July 9, 1925. p. 3. HPP.
Pasquesi, Josephine. Apr. 27, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Pate, Davey, Sept. 29. 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Paterson, Julius, June 10, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Patton, Robert W. Feb. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Patton, Robert W. Feb. 22, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Payne, Phillip. Feb. 3, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Pease, Daniel. Apr. 2, 1925. p. 9. HPP.
Pelner, John. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Penner, G. A. July 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Penner, Leroy J. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 12. HPP.
Peruse, Victor. Oct. 3, 1929. p. 49. HPP.
Peterman, John. May 5, 1921 p. 1. HPP.
Peters, August, Jan. 16, 1930. p. 10. HPP.
Peters, P. A. Dec. 16, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Peterson, Anna C. (John) Nov. 8, 1928. p. 7. HPP.
Peterson, Hans. Feb. 24, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Peterson, Mrs. Inga Mar. 15, 1923. p. 7. HPP
Peterson, John. May 12, 1921., p. 1. HPP.
Peterson, Norman. Dec. 26, 1929. p. 33.HPP.
Peterson, Olaf June 15, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Peterson, Thomas. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. North Shore Sec. HPP.
Pettit, Sadie. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Pfanstiehl, Mrs. A. A. May 24, 1928. p. 6. HPP.
Pfanstiehl, Rev. Albertus A. July 12, 1928. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Pfister, George. Nov. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Pfister, Mrs. Mary. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Pierce, Paul A. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 4.
Pierson, Augusta (August) Dec. 29, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Pinkerton, Mrs. Rea K. Dec. 18, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Piozzi, Giozonna (Louis) Nov. 4, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Plagge, Henry. May 4, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Post, Mabel T. (Mrs. James) June 28, 1923, p. 1. HPP.
Potwin, Ann, Jan. 31, 1924. p. 8. HPP
Powell, Charles B. Feb. 23, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Powell, Wilson C. Mar. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Pratt, Benjamin F. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Presti, Nicholas. Aug. 8, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Prichard (sic), George. Sept. 12, 1929. p. 41. HPP.
Pritchard, George. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Pritchard, Mrs. George True, June 12, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Prior, Henry M. Aug. 15, 1929. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Prye, Mrs. Emily. Nov. 15, 1928. p. 1. HPP
Przyborski, Marie (Max) Aug. 14, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Pulnam, Harry. May 1, 1930. p. 21. HPP.
Pulnam, Mrs. John A. Dec. 25, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Purdy, Mrs. John D. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Purdy, Julia R. (Mrs. D. C. ) Oct. 20, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Purnell, W. H. Jan. 24, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Purnell, Mrs. W. H. June 6, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Puth, Henry. Jan. 30, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Quackenbush, Mrs. Marion R. Apr. 21, 1921. p. 5. HPP
Rafferty, Elizabeth (Michael. Jan. 3, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Rafferty, Elizabeth Jan. 4, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Rafferty, Michael Mar. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP * Pioneer resident.
Rankin, James. R. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 14. HPP.
Rankin, Mrs. Mary. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Raymond, Edward H. Feb. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Read, William (child) Oct. 13, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Rectenwald, John Dec. 28,1928. p. 5. HPN *Early settler*
Rectenwald, John. Dec. 27, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Redmond, Ann (James) May 23, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Reichelt, John A., Jr. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Reichelt, John A. Feb. 7, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Reighard, Clyde. July 18, 1930. p. 6. HPN.
Rettig, June Frances. July 21, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Reynolds, Adelia May. May 29, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Rhinehart, Ada. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 8. HPP.
Rice, Mary (Lucian) Nov. 19, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
Richards, Fred A,. Dec. 6, 1928. p. 1. HPP *Civil War veteran*
Richards, Mary T. (Frederick) Jan. 3, 1929.p. 1. HPP.
Richards, Mary (Frederick) Jan. 4. 1929, p. 1. HPN.
Riel, Charles. June 6, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Ritter, William. Mar. 29, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Robbins, Hiram. July 28, 1921. p. 3. HPP
Robbins, James A. Feb. 23, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Robertson, Alexander (Mayor, Highland Park: 1908) July 1, 1926. p. 1. (photo)
Robertson, Dr. Charles Moore, Nov. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Robertson, John. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 4. HPP. Funeral address. Dec. 11, 1930 p35 HPP.
Robertson, Lionel. May 16, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Robertson, Lionel. May 17, 1929. p. 5. HPN.
Roder, Ella (John) June 20, 1929. p. 21. HPP>
Rodgerson, John E. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Rogan, Mrs. Margaret Jan. 1, 1925.p. 1. HPP.
Rogers, Daniel. Dec. 15, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Rogerson, Frances (John) Apr. 7, 1927. p. 10 HPP.
Rommel, Philip. Sept 3, 1925. p. 1 & Sept. 10, 1925. p. 4. HPP
Ronzani, Frank. Sept. 5, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Root, Andrew Preston July 30. 1925. p. 1. HPP. *Civil War Veteran*
Roselli, Guiseppi, Mar. 28, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Roselli, Gureppi (Joe) Mar. 29, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
Rosenwald, Mrs. Julius. May 30, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Rosenwald, Augusta N. (Julius) May 24, 1929. p. 5. & June 7, 1919 p4 HPN.
Ross, Adm. A., builder of Great Lakes Naval Station. Jan. 28, 1926. p. 5. HPP
Ross, R. P. Sept. 7, 1928.p. 16. HPN.
Rothschild, Daisy (David) June 20, 1929. p.45. HPP.
Rouse, Margaret (Mrs. John) Mar. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Rudd, Mrs. Britton D. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Rudd, Mary (Mrs. James) Jan. 31, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Rudolph, Mrs. John. June 13, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Rudolph, Lemuel W. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Rudolph, Margaret (George) May 1, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Russell, Margaret V. (Child) Apr. 10, 1924. p. 7.
Russell, W. H. July 12, 1923 p. 7. & July 19, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Ryan, Henry G. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Ryan, Rev. William J. Dec. 6, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Ryder, Michael. Dec. 1, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Sack, Mrs. Emma. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. (Photo) HPP
Sack, Frank. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Sack, Frank. July 31, 1930. p. 29. HPP.
Sack, Frank. Aug. 1, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Salyards, Helen (Mrs. Richard) Sept. 6, 1923. p. 1. *Resident from 1840s.*
Sanderson, W. G. Feb. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Sandwick, Richard F. "Jimmy" June 30, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Sasch, Richard. (3 yr. old) Nov. 29, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Schaefer, Fred (Photo) July 23, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Schaer, Rev. F. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Scharnhorse, Mrs. Ernst. Feb. 5, 1925. p. 14. HPP.
Scheskie, Charles. June 15, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Schindler, William. Jan. 3, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Schmidt, Augusta. Jan. 30. 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Schnadt, Charlotte (Henry) July 4, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Schreiner, William June 13, 1995. p. 2. HPP.
Schreiner, William F. June 14, 1929 p. 4. HPN
Schreurs, John A. May 29, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Schreurs, Joseph. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Schuchmann, Dr. Henry H. Dec. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Schulze, Anna Louise. May 5, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Schumacher, Bowen. Jan. 27, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Schumacher, Mrs. Bowen W. Dec. 15, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Schuman,George. May 14, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Schwalback, Johanna (Mrs. George) Sept. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Schwalback, Margaret Ann. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 8. HPP.
Schwarz, Theodore, Mr. 27, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
Scott, Mrs. John F. Sept. 1, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Seiffert, George. Oct. 8, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Seiler, Moritz, Mar. 1, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Seiler, Willard. May 30, 1929. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Selig, John June 22, 1922. p. 7. *Deerfield pioneer. HPP.
Selig, Lydia (John) Oct. 15, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Sellery, Mrs. Robert. May 27, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Seward, George M. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Seyfarth, Mrs. Robert. Sept. 6, 1928. p. 1. and Sept. 13, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Shadewitz, Arnold. July 15, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Shannon, Margaret (Mrs. Richard) Mar. 8, 1923, p. 1. HPP
Sharpe, Elsie. Apr. 22, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Sharpless, Charles E. Apr. 10, 1930. p. 42. HPP.
Shaw, Mildred (Mrs. Lee) July 16, 1925. p. 6. HPP
Shaw, Miss Sarah. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Sheahen, Frank W. Apr. 11, 1929. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Sheahen, Frank W. Apr. 12, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Sheahen, James. July 21, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Sheahen, John H. (Police chief) Sept. 16, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Shelly, Mrs. Ellen. (96 yr. old) Oct. 28, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Shelton, Rev. George. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Shelton, Josephine (6 yr. old) July 17, 1924. p. 6. HPP.
Shelton, Mrs. Josephine E. July 10, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Shepherd, Mabel (Fred R.) July 4, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Sherman, Ann E. (Silas) Feb. 7, 1929. p. 8. sec 2. HPP.
Sherwin, John. Jan. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Shetzly (sic) Louis, Sept. 11, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Shetzley (sic) Louis. Sept. 12, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Shelzley,(sic) Mary Ellen (Mrs. Louis) June 28, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Shuman, George. Aug. 21, 1930. p. 9. HPP.
Sicks, George Dec. 22,927. p. 5. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Siefert, August. B. Jan. 27, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Simon, Dr. Charles Irving. Sept. 9, 1926. p. 7. HPP.
Simon, David. Feb. 17, 1927. p. 8. HPP.
Simpson, C. E. Mar. 12, `1925 p. 1. HPP.
Sinclair, Mrs. C. H. Nov. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Sinclair, Capt. Cyrus H. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Skelly, James. July 7, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Skidmore, Mrs. George. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Smigoski, Joseph. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Smith, Andrew J., Oct. 16, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Smith, Bernard. Apr. 9, 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Smith, Caroline (George) June 19, 1924. p. 1. *50 year. resident*
Smith, Catherine (Mrs. Andrew) Jan. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Smith, Diane R. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 10. HPP
Smith, Edward A. Dec. 21, 1928. p. 5. HPN
Smith, Edward A. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Smith, George, June 2, 1921 p. 1. *50 year resident,* HPP
Smith, George. Dec. 18. 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Smith, Mrs. Hilda. Nov. 17, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Snyder, Abraham. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Snyder, Henry. June 6, 1929. p. 41. HPP.
Sodman, Lillian (Albert) Oct. 14, 1926. p. 10. HPP.
Soefker, Carolina (Louis) Feb. 21, 1929., sec. 2. HPP.
Sommerville, Arthur. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Spellman, William. Lake Cty resident 1847-1921. Nov. 24, 1921. p. 4. HPP
Spencer, Earl W. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Spencer, Earl W. Mar. 23, 1928 p. 5. HPN.
Spengler, Philip W. Feb. 7, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Spengler, William A. May 10, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Steele, Ella Pratt (Frederick) Nov. 6, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Steele, Johanna (Mrs. W. W.) Feb. 4, 1926. p. 10. HPP.
Steele, Vey-Louise (Charles) July 31, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Steele, Wallace, Aug. 25, 1927. p. 1. HPP. *50 year resident.*
Steever, Jerome G. Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Steiglitz, Irving. June 12, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Stein, Charles. Mar. 6, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Stenson, Anna (Steiner) Nov. 13, 1930. p. 7. HPP.
Sterle, Mrs. Charles Thomas. Aug. 1, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Stevens, Mrs. Alexander. Oct. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP
Stewart, John, May 20, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Stipe, James David (infant) Dec. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Stipe, Sebastian. May 22, 1924. p. 1. HPP. *Resident c1860.
Stockbridge, Henry D. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Stoker, Mrs. Lee G. Feb. 10, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Streiber, Charles, Mar. 20,. 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Streiber, Emilie (Charles) Sept. 26, 1929. p.4. HPP.
Street, Richard J. June 18,m 1925. p. 7. HPP.
Strong, Mrs. Frances Farwell. Feb. 11, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Strubel, Miss Jennie. Jan. 5, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Struggles, Edward. Sept. 30. 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Stryker, Mrs. Sarah. Nov. 10, 1927 p. 1. Deer field Sec. HPP
Studer, Michael. Oct. 3, 1929. p. 31. HPP.
Stuper, Rachel (Mrs. Frank) Oct. 18, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Stupey, Frank. Mar. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Stupey, Julian. Aug. 7, 1930. p. 10. HPP
Stupey, Peter, Mar. 8, 1928. p. 1. HPP. *oldest native-born resident*
Stupey, Peter C. Mar. 9, 1928.p. 8. HPN *Early resident*
Stupey, Walter. June 30, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Suhr, Martha, Sept. 29. 1921 p. 1. HPP. Oct. 6, 1921. p. 5. HPP
Sullivan, Elizabeth (Cornelius) Apr. 10, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Swanson, Mrs. Mary E. Sept. 27, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Swazey, Laura Mary (Mrs. Roswell B.) Aug. 27, 1925.p. 1. HPP.
Sweeney, John. Apr. 21, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Swenson, Agda (Christ) May 31,1928. p. 1. HPP.
Swenson, Roger. May 20, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Swift, Ida May (Mrs. L. F.) Apr. 6, 1922. p. 14. HPP.
Syson, Carlo. July 25, 1929. p.2. HPP.
Tangorra, Dolly. May 31, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Taylor, Harry L. July 28, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Taylor, Horace. Sept. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Taziali, Sen Oct. 1, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Thayer, Henry J. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 4. HPP.
Thomas, Mrs. Ambrose. Dec. 11, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Thomas, Miss Elizabeth N. July 8, 1926. p.l. Head: Highland Park Hospital. HPP
Thomas, Mrs. Ella. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Thomas, William. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Thomas, William H. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 1. & Feb.7, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Thomas, William Feb. 1, 1929. p. 5. and Feb. 8, 1929 p. 5. HPN.
Thorsen, Miss Mary. July 7, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Thorn, H. P. Dec. 29, 1927. p. 4. HPP.
Thurston, Wells I. June 13, 1929. p. 9. HPP.
Tierney, Sgt. Michael, July 7, 1927. p. 5. HPP.
Tillman, Emma (William) Aug. 7, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Tillman, William. Oct. 28, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Timm, Agnes (Julius) Nov. 30, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Timm, Agnes (Julius) Nov. 22, 1928. p. 8. HPP.
Timm, Henriette (John)Aug. 18, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Townsend, Mabel E. (Walker) Aug. 28, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Traub, Morton J. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Traub, Morton J. Sept. 26, 1930. p. 7. HPN.
Troxel, Mrs. Ann. Dec. 30. 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Tucker, George. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Tucker, George. Sept. 5, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Tully, John. Mar. 15, 1928. p. 1 Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Tulley, John. Mar. 16, 1928. p.21. HPN.
Turnbull, William M. Apr. 12, 1928. p. 8. HPP
Tyson, Charles E. Dec. 18. 1930. p. 1. (photo) HPP.
Tyson, Charles E. Dec. 19, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Ulbert, Jane. July 29, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Ulbricht, Julius K. Sept. 2, 1926. p. 1. pt.2. HPP.
Ullian, Linda (John) Apr. 18, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Ullian, Linda (John) Apr. 19, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Ullian, Theresa (Romano) Aug. 15, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Ulrich, Rosemary. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 9. HPP.
Umbach, Mrs. E. M. June 12, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Underhill, Mrs. Martha. May 1, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Uski, Irki. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Van Riper, Gordon, Mar. 22, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Van Schaick, Gerard. July 12, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Van Schaick, Gerard. July 13, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Velle, M. Hall. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 7. HPP.
Vetter, Elizabeth (Jacob) Nov. 8, 1928. HPP *pioneer resident*
Vetter. Mrs. Jacob. Nov. 9, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Vincent, Wilhelmina. July 7, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Volpenato, Fortunato. July 11, 1929. p. 2. HPP>
Volperato, Fortunato. July 12, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Wagner, Miss Emma. Oct. 13, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Wahlman, Arthur, Feb. 21, 1924. p. 1. HPP
Waite, Mrs. Eliza Feb. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Walker, Robert P. Feb. 25, 1926. p.1., pt. 2. HPP.
Wallecka, Esther (Victor) June 17, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Waller, Trigg M. Feb. 10, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Walness, John M. July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Walsh, Charles (child) Jan. 26, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Walters, William. Nov. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Ward, John C. Feb. 8, 1923, p. 2. HPP.
Warden, Mrs. June. Dec. 28, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Warner, Dr. Andrew Robert. Dec. 4, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Warner, Mrs. Mary Ann July 31, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Waubbel, Frank C. Dec. 8, 1927. p. 6. HPP.
Weber, Mrs. John. Nov. 6, 1930. p. 39. HPP.
Weber, Mrs. Mary. July 4, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Weber, R. C. Nov. 22, 1923, p. 9. HPP.
Webster, E. Lorraine (Anna M.) Jan. 17, 1929. p. 7. HPP.
Webster, Frederick. Sept. 12, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Weichbrodt, Herman. Mar. 18, 1926. p.5. pt. 1. HPP.
Weinacht, Elmer, Dec. 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Weiss, State Rep. William. F. Oct. 20, 1927. p. 1. Oct. 27, 1927. p. 1. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Welch, Helen (Alfred) Oct. 15, 1925. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
Wendling, Edward. Dec. 3, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Wendling, Josephine (Edward) June 13, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Wendling, Julia (Edward) June 14, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
Whitcomb, George H. Jan. 26, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP,
Whitcomb, Harry, Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
White, Amarias M. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 4. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
White, Miss Esther (Photo) long-time teacher. July 16, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
White, Mrs. John. July 4, 192. p.5. HPP.
Whitney, John W. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Wiard, Mrs. Addie May. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Wick, Herman C. Mar 25, 1926. p. 9. pt. 2. HPP
Wicklander, Harry H. Dec. 2, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Wienecke, Mrs. Mae. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Wierama, Mrs. Jennie. Nov. 27, 1930. p. 13. HPP.
Wilbur, Mrs. Louisa (96 yr. old) 1855 settler Dec. 7, 1922. p. 2. *
Wilcox, Arthur D. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Wilcox, Arthur Decker. Nov. 25, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
Wilhelm, John. Oct. 3, 1929. p. 42. HPP.
Williams, A. O. Oct. 8, 1925. p.6. HPP.
Williams, Arthur John. June 15, 1922. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Williams, Col. R. C. Mar. 17, 1921, p.1 & Apr. 14, 1921. p. 3. HPP
Williams, Grace. (Mrs. Robert) June 14, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Williams, Howard. July 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Williams, Lydia (William) Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Williams, Miss Olive A. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 1. HPP. H. P. Hospital Supt.
Willerton, John C. Feb. 9, 1928. p.6. HPP
Willman, Christ. Nov. 1, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. & Nov. 8, 1928. p. 1. sec. s HPP..
Willman, Edwin H. May 28, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
Willman, John C. Aug. 15, 1929. p. 47. HPP.
Wilson, Emil, Mar. 20, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Wilson, Frances A. Dec. 5, 1929. p. 43. HPP.
Wilson, Miss Molly. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Wilton, Eugene A. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 59. HPP.
Winchester, Ranney, May 29, 1930. p. 32. HPP.
Winne, Mrs. Frances. Nov. 22, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Winston, Col. Thomas W. Dec. 9, 1926. p. 1. HPP
Winters, Leander. Feb. 27, 1930. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Winters, Richard E. Oct. 14, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Winterson, Edgar. Nov. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Winterson, Edgar F. Nov. 23, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Witt, Mrs. Anna K. July 26, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Witt, Mrs. Anna K. July 27, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Wolcott, Elinor Louise, á(Rev. P. C.) Oct. 23, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Wolf, Jacob. Oct. 6, 1927.p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Wolf, Michael. Sept. 27, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Wood, Oscar W. Oct. 7, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Woods, James N. Sept. 19, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Woods, James W. Sept 25, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Wrenn, Robert D. Nov. 19, 1925. p. 4. pt. 3. HPP.
Yena, Caroline (Leo) Dec. 27, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Yena, Caroline (Leo) Dec. 28, 1928. p. 6. HPN.
Yerkes, Charles Edward. Dec. 24, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Yoe, Lucien Gurnee. Feb. 16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
' Young, Margaret (Mrs. Thomas A.) Apr. 24, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Zahnle, Aloysius M. May 22, 1930.p. 6. HPP.
Zahnle, A. M. May 23, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Zahnle, Emma (Mathias) Mar. 17, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Zahnle, Francis. June 28, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Zahnle, Mathias. May 30, 1929. p. 1. (Photo) HPP.
Ziegmeier, Rear Adm. Henry J. Oct. 23, 1930. p. 16. HPP.
Zimmer, August. Dec. 4, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Zimmer, August. Dec. 5, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Park Board plan work on new park. Apr. 14, 1921 p. 1. HPP.
No discrimination in use of parks. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Park Board calls golf meeting. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Park District Golf Club is organized. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
North Shore will have $750,000 Eden. Aug. 24, 1922, p. 1. HPP
Park Board adopts playground plans. Apr. 17, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Park District golf course improvement. Jan. 29, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Secure big German gun for city park.(photo) May 20, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Plan yacht harbor for Highland Park. June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Park Board annexes proposed tracts. June 10, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Interest in park playground grows. July 14, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Plan extension of park to state line (Lincoln Park, Chicago) Feb. 9, 1928 p. 8, Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Park Board buys several tracts. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Park Board plans for playground. May 3, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Re-elect Millard head of Park Board. Apr. 18, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Playground work being organized. July 4, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Highland Park has largest park area. Mar. 6, 1930. p. 20. HPP.
Plan improvement of new park soon. July 31, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Playground field day big success (photos) Aug. 28, 1930. p. 27. HPP.
Work started on new playground in Ravinia. Aug. 29, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Work progressing on new park here. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 17.
Thousands enjoy park activities. Dec. 4, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Many attend parks at H.P. during year. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 22. HPN.
Ravinia man to paint in Europe. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 3. HPP.
Rare art exhibit--work of Frank Peyraud. Mar. 27, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Bleimehl Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Cadwell Dec. 1, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Carolan Feb. 9, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Duffy Jan. 5, 1928. p. 8. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Frantz Oct. 27, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Fritsch Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Gastfield Sept. 15, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Gutzler Dec. 8, 1927. p. 8. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Hermann Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Hendee Mar. 1, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Hoyt Feb. 1, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Huhn Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Kennicott Jan. 19, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Knaak Dec. 29, 1927. p. 3. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Laing Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Lange Oct. 27, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
McCraren Oct. 6, 1927.p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Meehan Feb. 9, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Millen Mar. 8, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Mooney Feb. 23, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Muhlke Aug. 11, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
O'Connor Nov. 17, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Osterman Nov.10, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Ott Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Parsons Jan. 12, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Pettis Oct. 20, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Redfern Nov. 3, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Vedders Jan. 12, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP
Vetter Dec. 15, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Wilmot Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Board of Health issues warning. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP
No new paralysis cases reported. Jujly21, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Infantile paralysis causes two deaths. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. No. Shore Sec. HPP.
POLLOCK, JACKSON (Playwright, critic)
Pollock to open Elm Place series. Nov. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
A splendid series (ed) Nov. 15, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Large audience Friday hears Mr. Pollock. Nov. 15, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
1921 Calls "blue laws" insult to people. Jan. 6, 1921. p. 11. HPP.
May not make wine for private use. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 6. HPP
$9888.74 in fines paid to county. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Federal agents raid farm near Barrington. July 28, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Two places raided in Highland Park. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Liquor violators given stiff fines. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Two places raided in Highland Park. Aug. 25, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Poisoned whiskey is peddled in County. Nov. 24, 1921. p. 21. HPP
Attorneys argue over booze storehouse. Nov. 24, 1921. p. 8. HPP
Zion police seize 200 quarts of booze. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 5. HPP.
1922 "Dry" squad raids Half Day place. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Prominent jurist defends prohibition. July 13, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
County W.C.T.U. convention held. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Bootleg whiskey always dangerous. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Can't tell booze by bottle brands. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Plan to enforce dry laws better. Dec. 9, 1922. p. 11. HPP.
1923 County WCTU annual meeting. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 8. HPP
1924 Prunes now on wet list. Government will prosecute any seller who knows fruit is for moonshine. July 17, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Beer runners are caught in county. July 24, 1924. p. 7. HPP.
Sheriff's men earn $10,000 for County..Beer fines. Sept. 18, 1924 p. 7 HPP
1925 Prohibition has varied problems. Apr. 30, 1925. p. 8 pt. 2. HPP.
1926 The anti-prohibition clamor. Mar. 25, 1926. p. 1. (ed.) HPP.
1928 Capture biggest load of alcohol. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 3. HPP.
15,000 gallons of alky is captured Dec. 20, 1928. p. 5. sec. 2. HPP.
1929 Marko consolidates liquor, cards, music with ruinous results. June 14, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
Two views of status of the booze business in Lake County. July 11, 1929. p.23.
Says lid is nailed down on beer traffic for good in Lake County. July 11, 1929 p. 48. HPP.
Highwood may be first to face trial under new booze law. Sept. 5, 1929. p4 HPP
1930 Disregard "wet" clause in old deeds here. Mar. 20, 1930. p. 15. HPP.
Jew baiting (ed.) Feb. 3, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Whitney (J. B. ) defends the Jewish race. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Radio tells all about investments. July 20, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
The future of radio. (ed) June 7, 1923. p. 8. HPP.
Radio to connect Alaska with world when president visits. June 21, 1923. p5 HPP
What and why of radio explained. Feb. 21, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Pfanstiehl tells new radio theory. Mar. 6, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Radio sets used by 150,000 fans. Mar. 13, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Urge control of radio by the U.S. Apr. 3, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Pfanstiehl invents new radio receiver. Apr. 17, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
New principle in Pfanstiehl radio. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 15. HPP.
Popularity of radio. May 22, 1924. p. 15. (ed.)
Radio fans want freedom of the air. Oct. 16, 1924. p. 8. HPP.
High school band on radio Saturday. (Photo p. 2.) Oct. 23, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Radio equipment for Great Lakes. Jan. 18, 1925. p. 6. HPP.
Plan radio service for rural schools. Feb. 12, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Radio aiding in weather forecast. Feb. 19, 1925. p. 13. HPP.
Seeking remedy for radio static. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 11. HPP.
English car with radio set therein. May 12, 1927. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Radio stations increase power. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 15. HPP.
Police radio system being discussed. Nov. 13, 1930. p. 17. HPP.
Organize N. Shore police chiefs and plan radio thief-catching system. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 31. HPP.
New addition to R.R. Men's home. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Rail men's home to be enlarged. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Big addition to Rail Men's Home. Feb. 28, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
New addition to Railroad Men's Home. Mar. 19, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Photo showing addition. Mar. 26, 1925. p. 4. HPP.
Home shelters aged, disabled. (history of the home) May 26, 1927. p2,pt.2 HPP
Annual report of manager. Photo of building. Apr. 11, 1929. p.21. HPP.
1921 Claim railroads are making money. Jan. 20, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Files suit to oust Wauconda Railroad. Mar. 10, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Americanization of North Shore Line. May 19, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
C.N.S. platform to be completed June 15. May 26, 1921. p. 1 HPP.
Ballot on railway franchise Saturday. July 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Franchise ordinance ratified by voters. July 28, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Petition for more trains on C&NW. Oct. 20, 1921. p. 9. HPP
Railroad fare minus war tax Jan. 1. Dec. 8, 1921. p. 12. HPP.
Electric Road to change its route. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 3. HPP.
1922 Change will help traffic congestion. July 20,1 922. p. 3. HPP.
Railroad company absolved of blame. July 20, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
CNS&M Railway wage dispute settled. Sept. 7, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 North Shore Line plans expansion. Feb. 15, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Plan"L" extension along North Shore. Oct. 18, 1923. p. 4. HPP
1924 Want more trains to stop locally. June 12, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
1925 First train from Chicago in 1865. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 11. HPP.
Working on North Shore extension. July 23, 1925. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
Work progressing rapidly on new railway extension. Aug. 6, 1925. HPP.
Rapid progress on Skokie Valley Line. Sept. 24, 1925.p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Local stations on Skokie Valley line (names contest) Oct. 15, 1925. p.1 pt.2 HPP
Attempt to wreck North Shore train. Nov. 12, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
List many names for Skokie route. Dec. 10, 1925. p. 5. pt. 3. HPP.
1926 New stations to be Spanish type. Feb. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Skokie Line trains to start in April. Apr. 1, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
North Shore line reports big gains. Apr. 1, 1926. p. 9. pt. 2. HPP.
Open Skokie line Saturday June 5. June 3, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
View of completed Skokie Valley Route. (4 photos) June 3, 1926. p. 8. pt. 2.HPP
1929 Railroad values in Lake County. Jan. 31, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
Automatic gates to be installed. N. S. Line improvement. Jan. 3, 1929. p.5.sec.2. HPP.
North Shore Line adds air facility. p. 18. Photo p. 32. May 16, 1929. HPP.
North Shore Line opening air-rail routes. Sept. 19, 1929. p. 27. HPP
Ravinia Village House is described. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Note: Programs are listed each week. Articles discuss performers in some detail.
Ravinia opera is proving popular. July 14, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
12,000 pay tribute to Enrico Caruso. Aug. 11, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Ask $45,000 fund for Ravinia Park. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 14. HPP.
Treasure beyond price is Ravinia. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Ravinia season to break all records. Apr. 22, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Drawing of proposed new auditorium. June 9, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Ravinia auditorium fund is increased. June 9, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Ravinia Village House is described. Mar. 22, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Summer homes of Ravinia artists. May 29, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Let contract for new Ravinia Park. July 24. 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Solicit support in religious education. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Religious education classes at Elm Place School. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Rochenboch family to hold reunions June 22. June 13, 1929. p. 41. HPP.
ROSENWALD, JULIUS (Entrepreneur, philanthropist)
Rosenwald marks 67th birthday. photo) Aug. 22, 1929. p. 25. HPP.
J. Rosenwald is married to mother of his eldest son's wife. Jan. 9, 1930. p5 HPP
Historic farm machinery on display at Rosenwald Museum of Science. May 15, 1930. p. 23. HPP.
Rosenwald may give $3,000,000 to park. Nov. 7, 1930. p. 8. HPN.
Dedicate Rosenwald memorial in Ravinia. June 26, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Dedicate memorial to late Mrs. Rosenwald. June 27, 1930. p. 7. HPN.
1921 To report on truancy in two townships. Apr. 21, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
County schools cost $1,455,000 last year. Aug. 18, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Large enrollment in local schools. Sept. 8, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
"Why have classes been discontinued?" Sept. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Special election Sat. Oct. 15th Dist. 107. Sept. 29, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Ballot on school increase Saturday. Oct. 13, 1921. p. 1. HPP
District 107 to hold election Jan. 21. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
1922 Additional school building needed. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Vote on new school building Jan. 21. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School to have new school building. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School auditorium plan faces grave danger. Mar. 16, 1922. p1 HPP
Dist. 108 discuss financial conditions. Mar. 23, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
State official inspects schools. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Schools rank fourth in music contest at Orchestra Hall. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 9. HPP
District 108 to have new schools. June 1, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place building under construction. July 27, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Large enrollment at local schools. Sept. 7, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Urge completion of Elm Place School. Sept. 28, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Want $75,000 for school auditorium. Dec. 7, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 $100,000 addition to Lincoln School. Jan. 4,1923. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School community asset. Mar. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP
New Lincoln School addition begun. Mar. 15, 1923. p. 1. HPP
Start campaign for auditorium. Mar. 15, 1923, p. 1. HPP
Elm Place School : Drawing showing proposed auditorium. Mar. 15, 1923. p5 HPP
75 citizens to give $500 each towards Elm Place Auditorium. Apr. 5, 1923. p1.
North Shore makes record in contest. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Number of pupils in high school. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
School teachers' average salary. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Intensive drive fo auditorium. May 3, 1923. p. 1. HPP. (Elm Place School)
Dedicate Elm Place School on Thursday. May 10, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
School dedication is notable event. May 17, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
More than 700 (students) at Deerfield-Shields. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
What becomes of the fifth-grade boy? (Higher education pattern) Sept. 13, 1923 p.5. HPP.
Schools open with large enrollment. Sept. 13, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Build auditorium at once. Oct. 4, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Sell "Bucks" to finance auditorium. Dec. 6, 1923. p. 1. HPP
1924 Rural school is serious problem. Jan. 3, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Dedicate Lincoln School Sunday. Feb. 7, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
High school grads make good records as college freshmen. Mar. 27, 1924. p.1.
Open auditorium (Elm Place) on Sunday, May 4. Apr. 17, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
New Elm Place School. (Photo) Apr. 24, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Formal dedication of new auditorium.(Elm Place) May 15, 1924. p. 1. HPP
Cost of schools in county shown. Aug.7, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Fine rural school at Hawthorne Farm. Dec. 11, 1924. p. 1. Pt. 2. HPP.
Want examinations same everywhere. Dec. 18, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Education Bureau aids all schools. Dec. 25, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
1925 Courses in Latin exceed all others. Mar. 12, 1925. p. 16. HPP.
High school plan to teach trades. May 7, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Financial report District 107. May 21, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield-Shields gets signal honor. Accredited by West Point. July 9, 1925 p. 1. HPP.
Simpson gives (schools') report for year. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 5. HPP.
2700 register in city schools. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood has a new parochial school (St. James) Sept. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
1926 Consolidation of school districts. May 15, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Much money spent on Lake County Schools. Aug. 5, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Deerfield-Shields enrollment large (850) Sept. 9, 1926. p. 1. HPP
1927 Class of 1927 Deerfield -Shields H.S. Photo. June 16, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield sec. HPP.
County schools to study birds: to be feature course. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 3. HPP.
High school opens record enrollment. Sept. 8, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
1928 District 108 building program. May 17, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
School building for District 108, Lincoln School addition. Aug. 2, 1928.p1 HPP.
New building for District 107 is begun. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Tells of growth of Deerfield school. Jan. 17, 1929. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
New high school for Lake Forest. Feb. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Separation of high school district is widely discussed. July 5, 1929. p. 5. HPN
Junior Garden Club organized at schools. May 16, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Graduating class photo Deerfield/Shields High School May 23, 1929. p. 1.HPP.
House built by boys in Vocational Dept. open. June 8 & 9. June 6, 1929. p4.
Lake Forest plans to quiet H.S. district. July 4, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
School census of county shows loss. Aug. 1, 1929. p. 26. HPP.
Budget for city schools $3,743,000.00 Aug. 8, 1929. p. 18. HPP.
Green Bay Rd. school finished. Cover photo, story on p. 1. Aug. 29, 1929. p1 HPP.
New Braeside School. Cover photo, story p.1. Sept. 12, 1929. HPP.
Open Air Nursery School. Cover photo, story p. 1. Oct. 3, 1929. HPP.
Clock is dedicated at Lincoln School Nov. 7, 1929 p. 4. HPP.
1930 Discuss division High School Dis. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 1.
More than 2300 sign Lake Forest petition to leave school. Apr. 3, 1930. p3 HPP
House at 120 Clifton Dr. built by Vocational Ed. at HPHS (Photo) p. 1. Apr. 24, 1930. HPP.
Boy -built house open for inspection. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Simpson signs order detaching Lake Forest from Deerfield-Shields H. S. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 41.
Deerfield/Shields musical organizations. 4 photos. p. 16. May 8, 1930. HPP.
Boy-built house to be sold May 16, 1930. p. 11. HPN.
Plan mass meeting to revise school laws. May 30, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
District 110-112 may unite. July 3, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Vote to consolidate school districts 110-112 Saturday. July 3, 1930. p. 33. HPP.
Plan for consolidation defeated. July 10, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Large sum spent for county schools. Aug. 21, 1930. p. 25. HPP.
2878 are enrolled in public schools. Sept. 11, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Enrollment in public schools reaches 2878. Sept. 12, 1930. p. 14. HPN.
Lake Forest loses in high school suit. Oct. 9, 1930. p. 41. HPP.
Mrs. Philip Hale. Aug. 4, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Old pirate ship afloat again. July 9, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
First steps taken to locate treasure. Sept. 10, 1925. p. 6 pt. 2. HPP.
To start hunt for lost ships. Sept. 17, 1925. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
SMALL, LEN, Governor, Illinois
Gov.Small to be tried in Waukegan. Oct. 13, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Probable jurors for Gov. Small's trial. Oct. 20, 1921. p. 3. HPP
Gov. Small visits Waukegan. Oct. 27, 1921. p. 3. HPP
$200,000 for Small trial is the estimate. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 2. HPP
Governor, son, to stay in Waukegan. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 10. HPP
Judge Shurtleff will hold court. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 3. HPP.
Small trial to start Dec. 5th. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Jury panels were picked last week. Nov. 24, 1921. p. 11. HPP
Hearing in Small case on Saturday. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Governor's trial postponed. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Prosecutor opposes Gov. Small's veto. July 6, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Governor Small promises to build bridges. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Jesse L. Smith to give nature talks. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
Series of talks by Mr. Smith. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Nature talks prove highly interesting. Apr. 26, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Principal Smith gets trip abroad. June 4, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Jesse Lowe Smith writes from abroad. Aug. 13, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Principal Smith speaks at Nature Exhibit. Mar. 11, 1926. p. 1. pt.2. HPP.
Highland Park man speaker at Glencoe (Smith) Mar. 31, 1927. p4 pt 3 HPP
Illustrated talk is given by J. L. Smith. Apr. 14, 1927. p1 pt3 HPP
Junior Garden Club organized at schools. May 16, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Hero's exploit is told in old book, in Lady Elgin disaster. May 17, 1923. p. 5 HPP
1921 Organize new golf club at Deerfield. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Judge Landis and the public (editorial on baseball) Mar. 3, 1921. p. 6. HPP
Plans drawn for golf club in area. Apr. 28, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
Much interest in horseshoe tourney. Sept. 22, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield football team league champions. (Photo) Nov. 24, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Seven Deerfield boys "all-stars" (Photo). Dec. 8, 1921. p. 11. HPP
1922 Dempsey-Carpentier pictures to be shown. Feb. 9, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Fritz Geiser to battle Moorman. May 11, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Sailor (Geiser) proves too much for Moorman. May 18, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Municipal golf course opened to public. July 6, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Women play in city golf championships. July 20, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Chick Evans Jr. praises Briergate. Aug. 10, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Expert praises Briergate course. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
1923 Golf colony near Briergate planned. May 17, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Biggest business today is sports. Aug.2, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
1925 "Battle Ball", new pastime favored. June 5, 1925. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
Photo: Highland Park Baseball team, 1886. Members identified. Aug. 6, 1925. p. 1. HPP
First annual golf show next spring. Nov. 12, 1925. p. 4. pt. 2. HPP.
1926 Open high school athletic field on Saturday. May 20, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
1927 New north shore ski slide opened. Feb. 3, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Deerfield A.C. Football squad (photo) Nov. 3, 1927. p. 1. Deerfield Sec. HPP.
Football player dies after game. Oct. 14, 1927. p. 5. HPN.
1928 Golfers appear at Sunset golf course. Apr. 27, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
1929 Sonny Rouse and Dick Martin defeat notables. June 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield-Shields football squad. Cover photo. Sept. 26, 1929. HPP.
1930 Espinosa beats Hutchinson for N. Shore golf title. July 18, 1930. p. 1. HPN
Highland Parkers compete in annual Army horse show. July 25, 1930. p. 1HPN
Highwood 1930 football squad. Oct. 23, 1930. cover photo. HPP.
Deerfield/Shields football squad. Nov. 6, 1930. photo p.14. HPP.
Deerfield/Shields football squad. 1930. Nov. 13, 1930. cover HPP
1930 football squad: Deerfield Athletic Club. cover. Nov. 27, 1930. HPP.
Charity football game here Sunday. Dec. 4, 1930. p. 3. HPP.
Golden wedding celebrated. Mar. 8, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
1921 Consider new road plan for New Trier. Feb. 17, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Delay in building roads serious. Apr. 28, 1921. p. 7. HPP
Supervisor's report on roads and bridges. May 6, 1921. p. 6. HPP.
Starts paving roads through the city. June 23, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Governor favors. Lake Cty. roads. July 21, 1921. p. 5. HPP.
$43,000 for roads is appropriated. Sept. 29, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
County may have many new roads. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 15. HPP.
Telegraph Road work is complete. Nov. 10, 1921. p. 3. HPP.
$200,000 state road survey in progress. Nov. 17, 1921. p. 4. HPP.
Road improvement bonds advertised. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
1922 $900,000 worth of roads bonds sold. Jan. 5, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Council decides to pave six streets. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
More pavements are voted by council. Jan. 26, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Green Bay Road may be continued. Feb. 2, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Resume marking of state roads. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 11. HPP.
Rte. 21 to be paved this summer. Apr. 20, 1922. p. 2. HPP.
Road building to be hurried. June 1, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
New road to Lake Forest planned. Aug. 24, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Businessmen want road work settled. Sept. 7, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Pave Deerfield highway. (ed) Sept. 14, 1922. p. 6. HPP.
Dim prospect for Deerfield paving. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Deerfield Road work proceeding. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Urge necessity of west highway. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Paving work is making headway. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Council closes Dean Ave. bridge. Nov. 9, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Closed bridges damage to city. Dec. 14, 1992. p. 1. HPP.
1923 To reopen N. Sheridan bridges. Mar. 1, 1923, p. 1. HPP
Developing oiled roads in Illinois. May 31, 1923, p 5, HPP.
Road building in county this year. Progress described. June 7, 1923. p. 6. HPP
Deer field road is done; open July 19. June 21, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Celebrate opening of Deerfield road Wednesday. July 12, 1923. HPP
Specifications in road work changed. Aug.16, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Good progress on North Shore roads. Aug. 23, 1923. p. 12. HPP
No signboards on Illinois highways. Nov. 22, 1923. p. 14. HPP.
1924 Council plans new Skokie valley road. May 22, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
May make $59,700 paving improvement. Sept. 11, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Plan to widen Central Ave. Oct. 23, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Keep roads open during winter with tractors/scrapers. Dec. 18, 1924. p. 2-7.
1925 Biggest year in highway building. Jan. 29, 1925. p. 10. HPP.
Planning to pave new subdivisions. Feb. 26, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Northbrook bids Goodbye o Mud. Paving completed. Sept. 3, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2.
1926 City makes great strides in paving. Jan. 7, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park's paved streets. List & 10 photos. Jan. 7, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Those Sheridan bridges (ed.) Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Letter discusses Sheridan bridges. Aug. 26, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Chicago use of traffic signals. Nov. 4, 1926. p. 6. pt. 2. HPP.
Federal highways clear across U.S. numbered all the way. Nov. 18, 1926.p7. pt. 2. HPP.
Open Sheridan Road through Glencoe Christmas morning. Dec. 9, 1926. p 1
1927 Twenty-five miles of streets built. Nov. 10, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Concrete pavement in Highland Park. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP (photos)
To let contract for first super-highway. Nov. 24, 1927. p. 2. HPP.
Governor Small promises to build bridges. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
City plans north-south route. Dec. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
1928 Green Bay Road to be paved. July 20, 1928. p. 5. HPN.
Proposed road link in Deerfield Village. (map) Apr. 5, 1928. p. 1. Deerfield Sec.
No fund for wide roads in county. June 28, 1928. p. 1. Sec. 3. HPP.
Predicts roadways of forty feet soon. Aug. 2, 1928. p. 10. sec. 2. HPP.
Green Bay Rd. pavement opened. Oct. 25, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Road through fort in bad condition. Dec. 6, 1928.p. 1. HPP.
Traffic demands wider roadways. Dec. 20, 1928. p. 5. sec. 2. HPP.
Want Green Bay Rd. a boulevard. Dec. 27, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
1929 Prepare rerouting Sheridan Rd. Jan. 24, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
New ordinance to control traffic. Feb. 28, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Outlines plan for more county roads. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 48. HPP.
To pave 25 miles of roads in county. June 6, 1929. p. 24. HPP.
Plan extension of St. Johns Ave. Dec. 19, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
1930 Plan rerouting of Rte 42 to avoid Fr. Sheridan roads. July 25, 1930. p5. HPN
Add 800 miles of paved roads. Oct. 9, 1930. p. 20. HPP.
Lake County now has snowplow equipment to cope with drifts. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Two women take their own lives. Dec. 28, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Stanley Anderson, Deerfield, suicide. June 17, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Mother (Cora Wylie) and son recovering from effects of gas. Ma.r 29, 1929. p. 1. HPN.
County court finds Mrs. Wylie insane. Apr. 5, 1929. p. 4. HPN.
New subdivision important factor. Oct. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Pool and playground (photos) July 22, 1926. p. 5. HPP.
Tax objectors get .2206% reduction. Apr. 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Attorney explains local tax question. Apr. 21, 1921. p. 1. HPP
Tax objectors win in circuit court. May 26, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Tax case carried to Supreme Court. Sept. 15, 1921. p. 1. HPP.
Provisions of new income tax law. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 9. HPP.
Lake County land tax up 5 percent. Dec. 29, 1921. p. 9. HPP.
Assessment roll: W. Deerfield and Deerfield. July 20, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
Objectors win in tax litigation. Aug. 17, 1922. p. 1. HPP.
Tax on shore city property called fraud. Sept. 21. 1922. p.1. HPP.
New tax rate cities of county. Jan. 11, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Here is how tax money is divided. Mar. 29, 1923. p. 6. HPP.
Here is how tax money is divided. Mar 29, 1923. p. 6. HPP
Objections filed to tax levies. June 21, 1923. p. 4. HPP
Assessment Roll. Special section. Aug. 16, 1923. HPP
State and local taxes alarming. Sept. 20, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Heavy reduction in income taxes under Republicans. Oct. 4, 1923. p.12. HPP
Claims motorists pay 11 kinds of taxes. Apr 3, 1924. p. 11. HPP.
Local tax rate is less, others more. Jan. 8, 1925. p. 11. HPP.
Tax rate here low in comparison. Jan. 22, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Gas tax would not benefit cities. Apr. 16, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Tax levy total is $212,794 for city. Sept. 22, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Elm Place School faculty. Sept. 15, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
63.1% increase in teachers' salaries. Jan. 12, 1922. p. 9. HPP.
School teachers' average salary. Apr. 12, 1923. p. 3. HPP.
Pay of county teachers small. Nov. 8, 1923. p. 14. HPP.
Lake County teachers second best paid. Oct. 23, 1924. p. 13. HPP.
Teachers receive state pensions. Dec. 4, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Lake County pays teachers the highest. Sept. 24, 1925. p. 3. pt. 2. HPP.
Six problems face Illinois teachers. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 8. HPP.
Programs for Pearl and Alcyon movie theaters are listed weekly.
H. A. Thomas wins year abroad. May 15, 1930. p.19. HPP.
Local girl winner of scholarship abroad. May 16, 1930. p. 15. HPN.
Bus lines seeking operation permits. May 1, 1924. p. 2. HPP.
North Shore wants another bus permit. May 29, 1924. p. 3. HPP.
Fox Lake to have bus line is plan. May 29, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Revival of inland waterway traffic. May 12, 1927. p.8. HPP.
Plan motor coach lines along shore. July 4, 1929. p. 5. HPP.
New motor coach route north and south plan. July 17, 1930. p. 21. HPP.
Lake County trees and shrubs list. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Methods employed in tree pruning. June 1, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Plan tree-lined road to Milwaukee. Mar. 15, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Woods used for telephone poles. Mar. 15, 1923, p. 4. HPP.
Repair damage to shade trees early. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 12. HPP.
Suggest plate for historic elm tree (Waukegan) Aug. 28,1924. p. 10. HPP.
Hundred types of trees in Illinois. Apr. 7, 1927. p2 pt2 HPP.
New buckeye tree found in Illinois. Aug. 2, 1928. p. 7. sec. 2. HPP.
Results of surveys of oak trees here. Sept. 25, 1930. p. 16. HPP.
Local post office badly handicapped. Apr. 5, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Local post office near first class. Dec. 13, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Highland Park Post Office report issued. July24, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Many Lake County post offices lost. July 29, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Begin delivery of mail in Highwood. Sept. 1, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Highwood Post Office in new quarters. (photo) Dec. 8, 1927. p. 12.HPP.
Add 350 new homes to mail deliveries. Oct. 26, 1928. p. 5. HPN
Post Office to be on Sheridan Rd. May 3, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
McKillip to build post office block. Buys Schumacher block. Aug. 9, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Post Office moves into new quarters. Jan. 3, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Appropriation for a new post office to be passed. Dec. 19, 1930. p. 16. HPN.
Gas rates increased by commission. Jan. 13, 1921. p. 1. HPP
New power plants will be built this year. May 19, 1921. p. 8. HPP.
Public Service Co. plans extension. Mar. 9, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Work to commence on monster plant in Waukegan (Public Service) July 13, 1922. p. 12. HPP.
Start work on big plant next month. Aug. 3, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Vast equipment required for (Public) service. Sept. 14, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Public Service Co. plans improvements. May 10, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Start service at new plant soon. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 2. HPP.
First power unit is in operation. Nov. 1, 1923. p. 15. HPP.
Phone company has record year. Jan. 31, 1924. p. 5. HPP.
Seek information about war heroes. Sept. 21, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Board to obtain war heroes list. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 4. HPP.
Get appeal for state bonus law. Nov. 2, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Hope to pay bonus as Christmas gift. Nov. 16, 1922. p. 4. HPP
Memorial list now complete. (Veteran list included) Dec. 7, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Sign most checks in pension office. June 28, 1923. p. 11. HPP
Much public land open to soldiers. July 12, 1923. p. 9. HPP.
Predicts passage of new bonus bill. July 26, 1923. p. 10. HPP
Cause of delay in payment of bonus. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Veteran's Bureau hospital grant. (Great Lakes) May 8, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
Cause of delay in payment of bonus. Apr. 24, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Veteran's Bureau hospital grant. (Great Lakes) May 8, 1924. p. 10. HPP.
*Highland Park men who served in war. Oct. 30, 1924. p.8. HPP.
Veterans of war to get opportunity. Apr. 16, 1925. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP
Legislation aids disabled veterans. Apr. 23, 1925. p.8. pt. 2. HPP.
Congress provides for veterans' care. May 7, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
City bars sale of spring water reported to be unsafe. Oct. 5, 1922. p. 6. HPP
Sparkling springs water is allright. Oct. 12, 1922. p. 1. HPP
Plan inspection of city standpipe. July 26, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
State to indicate pure water source. Aug. 28, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
New $500,000 water system is proposed. Aug. 13, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Big extension of city water mains. Feb. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Plan improvement of water system. Mar. 25, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
City council gets bid on waterworks. Apr. 8, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Plan co-operation for water service. July 1, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Plans for giant waterworks plant. Mar. 17, 1927. p1 pt2 HPP.
Crystal-pure water for Highland Park. Mar. 24, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Plan more water main installation. Oct. 6, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
More water mains are provided for. Oct. 13, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
How Illinois towns obtain their water. Feb. 23, 1928. p. 5. N. Shore Sec. HPP.
Plan improvement of water system. June 7, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
To buy tract for city water tank. June 14, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Filtration plant is halted by suit. July 12, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Open bids for big water main system. Aug. 16, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
New water tank to hold 500,000 gallons. June 6, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Improvements at waterworks plant. July 11, 1929. p. 3. HPP.
Describe operation of new filter plant. Aug. 15, 1929. p. 6. HPP.
Photo: p. 26. Aug. 15, 1929. HPP.
New water tower now in use. Photo: cover. Story: p. 1. HPP.
Plan protection for waterworks. Oct. 31, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Move to protect city water plant. Nov. 21, 1929. p. 1. HPP.
Filtration plant now in operation. Apr. 24, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Highland Park water plant meets all demands. July 24, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Waukegan may have large new harbor. Dec. 22, 1921. p. 7. HPP.
Waukegan to be big coke center. Apr. 13, 1922. p. 10. HPP.
Dedicate hospital (Victory Memorial) May 18, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Knew Waukegan in pioneer days. Aug. 7, 1924. p. 12. HPP.
Plan new resort north of Waukegan. Jan. 21, 1926. p. 11. HPP.
Mayor of Waukegan died (Theodore Durst) Feb. 18, 1926. p.1. pt. 3. HPP.
Waukegan scene of first movies. Aug. 12, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
New building for Rubin in Waukegan. July 19, 1928. p. 1. sec. 2. HPP.
Waukegan may get municipal airport. Apr. 25, 1929. p. 40. HPP.
Col. Blodgett (Wells H.) (Pioneer family) May 16, 1929. p. 10 HPP
Waukegan to have historical fete. June 13, 1929. p. 21. HPP.
Plan to enlarge Waukegan harbor. Dec. 26, 1929. p. 18. HPP.
Increase in Waukegan population permits official salary raise. May 29, 1930. p. 11. HPP.
Waukegan house which sheltered Lincoln reported sold. Oct.16,1930. p15 HPP
Repair trees hurt by sleet and ice. Apr. 6, 1922. p. 5. HPP.
Station will flash weather conditions. July 6,1922. p. 7. HPP.
Record tide marks storm along shore. Aug. 31, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Severe storm does damage in county. Aug. 16, 1923. p. 1. HPP.
Heavy rainstorm causing damage in city and county. Aug. 7, 1924. p. 1. HPP.
Winter of 1924-5 milder than usual. Apr. 23, 1925. p. 4. pt. 2. HPP.
Photo: Sweetland's corner April 2, 1926. Apr. 15, 1926. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Weather in April coolest in years. May 27, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
City flooded by record downpour. Sept. 30, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Marooned residents seek flood relief. Apr.5, 1929.p. 5. HPN.
Storm and floods cause %50,000 loss in Highland Park. Apr. 5, 1929. p5 HPN
Coldest February in state since 1914. Mar. 21, 1929. p. 48. HPP.
Worst snowstorm in years blocks traffic. Mar. 27, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Lake Cty. now has snowplow equipment. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Citizens organize Relief Center. Nov. 13, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Serve dinner for men out of work. Nov. 13, 1930. p. 39. HPP.
Committee report on social service. Nov. 20, 1930. p. 1. HPP
Many destitute here in need of work. Nov. 27, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Relief committee is organized at Highwood. Nov. 27, 1930. p. 10., HPP.
Relief Committee report to Dec. 20. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 1. HPP.
Many Highland Park families in immediate need of food, clothing. Nov. 28, 1930 p, 5, HPN
Jobs needed for unemployed as holidays near. Dec. 8, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
Continue work on social service. Dec. 12, 1930. p. 1. HPN.
Ask for Christmas baskets for the poor. Dec. 19, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Social Service Committee thanks Highland Parkers (Summary of services rendered). Dec. 26, 1930. p. 4. HPN.
Music criticism column by Orson Welles appears each week in Highland Park
News, July 6- Aug. 3,1928 under the title "Hitting the High Notes." HPN.
June 20-Sept. 5, 1930 under the title “Inklings.” HPN
Deed recorded is for tiniest tract. July 26, 1923. p. 7. HPP.
Teacher,. Librarian.
Purchase memorial for Esther White. Feb. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
To hang picture as a memorial to Miss E. White. Mar. 11, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
Brief biographies with photos.
Brown, William J. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Cushing, F. W. Aug. 28, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Erskine, Raymond. Aug. 28, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Lewis, Benjamin. Aug. 21, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Obee, William. Aug. 28, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
O'Connor, James. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
O'Keefe, John. Sept. 4, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Vercoe, Arthur, Aug. 21, 1930. p. 2. HPP.
Wilson memorial service Sunday. Feb. 7, 1924.p. 1. HPP.
Women play in city golf championships. July 20, 1922. p. 7. HPP.
Senate no place for women--Voliva. July 27, 1922. p. 8. HPP.
Oldest college coed (Amu Winship, 92) dies. Mar. 1, 1923, p. 4. HPP.
Propose laws to pay wives wages. Mar. 1, 1923, p. 9. HPP.
Plan memorial to World War women. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
Women as jurors are unrecognized. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 13. HPP.
Propose laws to pay women wages. Mar. 1, 1924. p. 9. HPP.
Two famous women selected leaders. May 8, 1924. p. 4. HPP.
Women's vote may decide election. Spet. 18, 1924. p. 11. HPP.
Took many years to pass suffrage. Apr. 23, 1925. p. 2. pt. 2. HPP.
Education of girls (ed) Oct. 1, 1925. p. 2. HPP.
League of Women Voters. Sept. 23. 1926. p. 5. pt. 2. HPP.
Seek U.S. leading business woman. Apr. 28, 1927. p. 1. pt.2 HPP.
Continue campaig for police woman. June 2, 1927. p. 1. pt. 2. HPP.
Much enthusiasm for Y.W.C.A. Campaign. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
Says radio is aid to housewives. Oct. 25, 1928, p. 2. sec. 2. HPP.
Says women want share of offices. Oct. 25, 1928. p.2. sec. 2. HPP.
Mrs. Ruth H. McCormick in race for senantor. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 2. HPP.
Women candidates for county office. Apr. 3, 1930. p. 26. HPP
Local delegates at national convention of women voters. May 2, 1930. p1 HPN
Women on juries favored by League. May 15, 1930. p. 5. HPP.
Wwomen voters start big drive for November elections. June 6, 1930. p. 4. HPN
Women on juries is object of campaign. June 26, 1930. p. 4. HPP.
Women on juries seem favored by local opinions. Sept. 12, 1930. p.1. HPN.
Mrs. Carrie C. Catt wins magazine prize. Nov. 13, 1930. p. 19. HPP.
No quarters for women jurors in Lake County Building, delays service. Dec. 25, 1930. p. 6. HPP.
Memorial list now complete. (List of veterans included) Dec. 7, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Plan memorial to World War women. Sept. 6, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
To erect memorial soon, drive planned. May 14, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Memorial plans near completion. May 21, 1925. p. 1. HPP
War memorial site in park is chosen. Dec. 10, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Unveil memorial Sunday. Nov. 14th. Nov. 4, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
War memorial is presented to city. Nov. 18, 1926. p. 1. HPP.
War debt being paid off rapidly. Apr. 21, 1927 p.6. pt.2. HPP.
YWCA property sold for $75,000. July 30, 1925. p. 1. HPP.
Much enthusiasm for YWCA Campaign. Sept. 29, 1927. p. 1. HPP.
YWCA planning drive: need $6,500. Oct. 17, 1929. p. 4. HPP.
Sign burners freed by Judge Edwards. Nov. 3, 1921. p. 15. HPP
Voliva planning steel signboards. Oct. 19, 1922. p. 3. HPP
Rev. O'Brien takes up Voliva's dare. Oct. 26, 1922. p. 3. HPP.
Voliva declares he will fight on. Mar. 1, 1923. p. 5. HPP.
Upholds ruling on name of Zion. Mar. 8, 1923. p. 10. HPP.
Zion is denied radio permit. Dec. 27, 1928. p. 1. HPP.
Punished for driving auto on Sunday. June 21, 1929. p. 6. HPN.
Dowie's (John A. ) old home is placed on market. Sept. 26, 1929. p. 40. HPP.
Brown (Stewart) discusses zoning ordinance. Mar. 29, 1923. p. 4. HPP.
Oppose hotel at meeting of appeal board. May 23, 1930. p. 5. HPN.
McCrystle Hotel case to circuit court. July 10, 1930. p. 1. HPP.